CTAV 3.0: Model Checking Metric Temporal Logic MTL0,¡Þ for Timed B¨¹chi Automata


CATV 3.0 is a model checker for Metric Temporal Logic MTL0,¡Þ, which is an timed extension of propositional linear temporal logic (PLTL) .


The syntax of  MTL0,¡Þ is as follows:

  Formula := true | Atom | ! (Formula) | O(Formula) | (Formula /\ Formula) | (Formula U Formula) | (Formula U[<c] Formula) | (Formula U[<=c] Formula) | (Formula U[>c] Formula) | (Formula U[>=d]  Formula)

where Atom is an atomic proposition, ! is the negation operator (NOT), O is the next operator, U is the until operator, c is a nonnegative integer and d is a positive integer.


The other operators, such as the release operator R, the eventually operator <> and the always operator [], can be defined in the usual way.


For a given timed B¨¹chi automaton M and a given MTL0,¡Þ formula ¦Õ, CATV 3.0 can check whether M satisfies ¦Õ.





  • CTAV 3.0 for Windows Platform
  • CTAV 3.0 (multi-core model checking) for Mac Platform




1.        Guangyuan Li:  Checking Timed B¨¹chi Automata Emptiness Using LU-Abstractions. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2009), LNCS 5813, pp. 228-242, Springer, 2009.

2.        Guangyuan Li, Peter G. Jensen, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay and Danny B. Poulsen: Practical Controller Synthesis for MTL{0,¡Þ},  In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSOFT International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software(SPIN 2017), pp102-111, 2017.


Last modified: 2019/01/20. Contact: ligy at ios.ac.cn