Huimin LIN

Laboratory for Computer Science
Institute of Software
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O.Box 8718
Beijing 100

Fax:   +86 10 62661627


I am a research professor in the Laboratory for Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The laboratory is committed to basic as well as application-oriented research in computer science, with focus on fundamental software research. It is still expanding and have several positions, including visiting positions, available. If you are interested in doing research in Beijing, or just coming for a visit, then please contact me or other people in the lab whose areas are close to yours.

Research interests: Concurrency, Process algebras, Value-passing, Mobility, Model checking, Modal logics and mu-Calculus, Tools and algorithms for concurrent systems, Formal methods.


] Talks given at China-Germany Joint Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science, Shanghai, Oct. 15-17, 2003, and International Workshop on Formal Methods and Security, Nanjing, May 17-20, 2004. []

] An extended abstract of this paper appeared in TAPSOFT'95, Aarhus, Denmark, May 1995. LNCS 915. pp. 187-201.