File: src/_imagingtk.c
Function: PyInit__imagingtk
Error: memory leak: ob_refcnt of '*m' is 1 too high
68 PyInit__imagingtk(void) {
69     static PyModuleDef module_def = {
70         PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
71         "_imagingtk", /* m_name */
72         NULL,         /* m_doc */
73         -1,           /* m_size */
74         functions,    /* m_methods */
75     };
76     PyObject *m;
77     m = PyModule_Create(&module_def);
when PyModule_Create2() succeeds
'*m' was allocated at:     m = PyModule_Create(&module_def);
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 owned
78     return (load_tkinter_funcs() == 0) ? m : NULL;
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
memory leak: ob_refcnt of '*m' is 1 too high
was expecting final owned ob_refcnt of '*m' to be 0 since nothing references it but final ob_refcnt is refs: 1 owned
found 1 similar trace(s) to this
79 }

File: src/_imagingtk.c
Function: PyInit__imagingtk
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
68 PyInit__imagingtk(void) {
69     static PyModuleDef module_def = {
70         PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
71         "_imagingtk", /* m_name */
72         NULL,         /* m_doc */
73         -1,           /* m_size */
74         functions,    /* m_methods */
75     };
76     PyObject *m;
77     m = PyModule_Create(&module_def);
when PyModule_Create2() succeeds
78     return (load_tkinter_funcs() == 0) ? m : NULL;
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking False path
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
found 1 similar trace(s) to this
79 }