Bug Summary

Warning:line 36, column 20
PyObject ownership leak with reference count of 1

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name init.cpp -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-checker=python -analyzer-disable-checker=deadcode -analyzer-config prune-paths=true,suppress-c++-stdlib=true,suppress-inlined-defensive-checks=false,suppress-null-return-paths=false,crosscheck-with-z3=true,model-path=/opt/pyrefcon/lib/pyrefcon/models/models -analyzer-config experimental-enable-naive-ctu-analysis=true,ctu-dir=/tmp/pyrefcon/pytorch/csa-scan,ctu-index-name=/tmp/pyrefcon/pytorch/csa-scan/externalDefMap.txt,ctu-invocation-list=/tmp/pyrefcon/pytorch/csa-scan/invocations.yaml,display-ctu-progress=false -setup-static-analyzer -analyzer-config-compatibility-mode=true -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -fhalf-no-semantic-interposition -mframe-pointer=none -relaxed-aliasing -fno-rounding-math -ffp-exception-behavior=ignore -mconstructor-aliases -munwind-tables -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/tmp/pyrefcon/pytorch/build -resource-dir /opt/pyrefcon/lib/clang/13.0.0 -isystem third_party/gloo -isystem ../cmake/../third_party/gloo -isystem ../cmake/../third_party/googletest/googlemock/include -isystem ../cmake/../third_party/googletest/googletest/include -isystem ../third_party/protobuf/src -isystem ../third_party/gemmlowp -isystem ../third_party/neon2sse -isystem ../third_party/XNNPACK/include -isystem ../third_party -isystem ../cmake/../third_party/eigen -isystem /opt/pyrefcon/lib/pyrefcon/models/python3.8 -isystem /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include -isystem ../cmake/../third_party/pybind11/include -isystem /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi -isystem /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include -isystem ../third_party/ideep/mkl-dnn/include -isystem ../third_party/ideep/include -D BUILDING_TESTS -D FMT_HEADER_ONLY=1 -D HAVE_MALLOC_USABLE_SIZE=1 -D HAVE_MMAP=1 -D HAVE_SHM_OPEN=1 -D HAVE_SHM_UNLINK=1 -D MINIZ_DISABLE_ZIP_READER_CRC32_CHECKS -D ONNXIFI_ENABLE_EXT=1 -D ONNX_ML=1 -D ONNX_NAMESPACE=onnx_torch -D THP_BUILD_MAIN_LIB -D USE_C10D -D USE_C10D_GLOO -D USE_C10D_MPI -D USE_DISTRIBUTED -D USE_EXTERNAL_MZCRC -D USE_NUMPY -D USE_RPC -D USE_TENSORPIPE -D USE_VALGRIND -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D torch_python_EXPORTS -I aten/src -I ../aten/src -I . -I ../ -I ../cmake/../third_party/benchmark/include -I caffe2/contrib/aten -I ../third_party/onnx -I third_party/onnx -I ../third_party/foxi -I third_party/foxi -I ../torch/.. -I ../torch/../aten/src -I ../torch/../aten/src/TH -I caffe2/aten/src -I third_party -I ../torch/../third_party/valgrind-headers -I ../torch/../third_party/gloo -I ../torch/../third_party/onnx -I ../torch/csrc -I ../torch/csrc/api/include -I ../torch/lib -I ../torch/lib/libshm -I ../torch/csrc/distributed -I ../torch/csrc/api -I ../c10/.. -I third_party/ideep/mkl-dnn/include -I ../third_party/ideep/mkl-dnn/src/../include -I ../torch/lib/libshm/../../../torch/lib -I ../third_party/fmt/include -D USE_PTHREADPOOL -D NDEBUG -D USE_KINETO -D LIBKINETO_NOCUPTI -D USE_FBGEMM -D USE_QNNPACK -D USE_PYTORCH_QNNPACK -D USE_XNNPACK -D SYMBOLICATE_MOBILE_DEBUG_HANDLE -D HAVE_AVX_CPU_DEFINITION -D HAVE_AVX2_CPU_DEFINITION -D NDEBUG -D NDEBUG -D CAFFE2_USE_GLOO -D HAVE_GCC_GET_CPUID -D USE_AVX -D USE_AVX2 -D TH_HAVE_THREAD -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/backward -internal-isystem /opt/pyrefcon/lib/clang/13.0.0/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O3 -Wno-narrowing -Wall -Wextra -Werror=return-type -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-type-limits -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-local-typedefs -Wno-strict-overflow -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-stringop-overflow -Wno-psabi -Wno-error=pedantic -Wno-error=redundant-decls -Wno-error=old-style-cast -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Werror=format -Werror=cast-function-type -Wno-stringop-overflow -Wno-write-strings -Wno-strict-aliasing -w -std=gnu++14 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir=/tmp/pyrefcon/pytorch/build -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fopenmp -fopenmp-cuda-parallel-target-regions -pthread -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -faligned-allocation -fcolor-diagnostics -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/pyrefcon/pytorch/csa-scan/reports -x c++ ../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp


1#include <torch/csrc/python_headers.h>
3#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/process_group_agent.h>
4#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/profiler/remote_profiler_manager.h>
5#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/profiler/server_process_global_profiler.h>
6#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/py_rref.h>
7#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/python_functions.h>
8#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/python_rpc_handler.h>
9#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/request_callback_impl.h>
10#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/rpc_agent.h>
11#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/rref_context.h>
12#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/tensorpipe_agent.h>
13#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/torchscript_functions.h>
14#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/types.h>
15#include <torch/csrc/jit/python/pybind_utils.h>
16#include <torch/csrc/utils/object_ptr.h>
17#include <torch/csrc/utils/pybind.h>
18#include <torch/types.h>
20#include <pybind11/chrono.h>
21#include <pybind11/operators.h>
23namespace torch {
24namespace distributed {
25namespace rpc {
27namespace {
29constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds kDeleteAllUsersTimeout(100000);
31template <typename T>
32using shared_ptr_class_ = py::class_<T, std::shared_ptr<T>>;
34PyObject* rpc_init(PyObject* _unused, PyObject* noargs) {
35 auto rpc_module =
36 THPObjectPtr(PyImport_ImportModule("torch.distributed.rpc"));
Calling 'PyImport_ImportModule'
Returning from 'PyImport_ImportModule'
PyObject ownership leak with reference count of 1
37 if (!rpc_module) {
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
38 throw python_error();
39 }
41 auto torch_C_module = THPObjectPtr(PyImport_ImportModule("torch._C"));
42 if (!torch_C_module) {
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
43 throw python_error();
44 }
46 auto torch_C_m = py::handle(torch_C_module).cast<py::module>();
47 auto m =
48 torch_C_m.def_submodule("_distributed_rpc", "distributed rpc bindings");
50 auto module = py::handle(m).cast<py::module>();
52 auto rpcBackendOptions =
53 shared_ptr_class_<RpcBackendOptions>(
54 module,
55 "RpcBackendOptions",
56 R"(An abstract structure encapsulating the options passed into the RPC
57 backend. An instance of this class can be passed in to
58 :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.init_rpc` in order to initialize RPC
59 with specific configurations, such as the RPC timeout and
60 ``init_method`` to be used. )")
61 .def(py::init<>())
62 .def(
63 py::init<float, std::string>(),
64 py::arg("rpc_timeout") = kDefaultRpcTimeoutSeconds,
65 py::arg("init_method") = kDefaultInitMethod)
66 .def_readwrite(
67 "rpc_timeout",
68 &RpcBackendOptions::rpcTimeoutSeconds,
69 R"(A float indicating the timeout to use for all
70 RPCs. If an RPC does not complete in this timeframe, it will
71 complete with an exception indicating that it has timed out.)")
72 .def_readwrite(
73 "init_method",
74 &RpcBackendOptions::initMethod,
75 R"(URL specifying how to initialize the process group.
76 Default is ``env://``)");
78 // The following C++ constants need to be cast so they can be used from
79 // python.
80 module.attr("_DEFAULT_RPC_TIMEOUT_SEC") = py::cast(kDefaultRpcTimeoutSeconds);
81 module.attr("_UNSET_RPC_TIMEOUT") = py::cast(kUnsetRpcTimeout);
82 module.attr("_DEFAULT_INIT_METHOD") = py::cast(kDefaultInitMethod);
84 auto workerInfo =
85 shared_ptr_class_<WorkerInfo>(
86 module,
87 "WorkerInfo",
88 R"(A structure that encapsulates information of a worker in the system.
89 Contains the name and ID of the worker. This class is not meant to
90 be constructed directly, rather, an instance can be retrieved
91 through :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.get_worker_info` and the
92 result can be passed in to functions such as
93 :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_sync`, :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_async`,
94 :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.remote` to avoid copying a string on
95 every invocation.)")
96 .def(
97 py::init<std::string, worker_id_t>(),
98 py::arg("name"),
99 py::arg("id"))
100 .def_readonly(
101 "name", &WorkerInfo::name_, R"(The name of the worker.)")
102 .def_readonly(
103 "id",
104 &WorkerInfo::id_,
105 R"(Globally unique id to identify the worker.)")
106 .def("__eq__", &WorkerInfo::operator==, py::is_operator())
107 // pybind11 suggests the syntax .def(hash(py::self)), with the
108 // unqualified "hash" function call. However the
109 // argument-dependent lookup for the function "hash" doesn't get
110 // triggered in this context because it conflicts with the struct
111 // c10::hash, so we need to use the qualified name
112 // py::detail::hash, which unfortunately is in a detail namespace.
113 .def(py::detail::hash(py::self)) // NOLINT
114 .def("__repr__", [](const WorkerInfo& workerInfo) {
115 std::ostringstream os;
116 os << workerInfo;
117 return os.str();
118 });
120 auto rpcAgent =
121 shared_ptr_class_<RpcAgent>(module, "RpcAgent")
122 .def(
123 "join",
124 &RpcAgent::join,
125 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
126 py::arg("shutdown") = false)
127 .def(
128 "sync", &RpcAgent::sync, py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
129 .def(
130 "shutdown",
131 &RpcAgent::shutdown,
132 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
133 .def(
134 "get_worker_info",
135 (const WorkerInfo& (RpcAgent::*)(void) const) &
136 RpcAgent::getWorkerInfo,
137 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
138 .def(
139 "get_worker_info",
140 (const WorkerInfo& (RpcAgent::*)(const std::string&) const) &
141 RpcAgent::getWorkerInfo,
142 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
143 .def(
144 "get_worker_infos",
145 &RpcAgent::getWorkerInfos,
146 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
147 .def(
148 "_get_device_map",
149 &RpcAgent::getDeviceMap,
150 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
151 .def(
152 "get_debug_info",
153 &RpcAgent::getDebugInfo,
154 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
155 .def(
156 "get_metrics",
157 &RpcAgent::getMetrics,
158 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
160 auto pyRRef =
161 shared_ptr_class_<PyRRef>(module, "PyRRef", R"(
162 A class encapsulating a reference to a value of some type on a remote
163 worker. This handle will keep the referenced remote value alive on the
164 worker. A ``UserRRef`` will be deleted when 1) no references to it in
165 both the application code and in the local RRef context, or 2) the
166 application has called a graceful shutdown. Invoking methods on a
167 deleted RRef leads to undefined behaviors. RRef implementation only
168 offers best-effort error detection, and applications should not use
169 ``UserRRefs`` after ``rpc.shutdown()``.
171 .. warning::
172 RRefs can only be serialized and deserialized by the RPC module.
173 Serializing and deserializing RRefs without RPC (e.g., Python
174 pickle, torch :meth:`~torch.save` / :meth:`~torch.load`,
175 JIT :meth:`~torch.jit.save` / :meth:`~torch.jit.load`, etc.) will
176 lead to errors.
178 Args:
179 value (object): The value to be wrapped by this RRef.
180 type_hint (Type, optional): Python type that should be passed to
181 ``TorchScript`` compiler as type hint for ``value``.
183 Example::
184 Following examples skip RPC initialization and shutdown code
185 for simplicity. Refer to RPC docs for those details.
187 1. Create an RRef using rpc.remote
189 >>> import torch
190 >>> import torch.distributed.rpc as rpc
191 >>> rref = rpc.remote("worker1", torch.add, args=(torch.ones(2), 3))
192 >>> # get a copy of value from the RRef
193 >>> x = rref.to_here()
195 2. Create an RRef from a local object
197 >>> import torch
198 >>> from torch.distributed.rpc import RRef
199 >>> x = torch.zeros(2, 2)
200 >>> rref = RRef(x)
202 3. Share an RRef with other workers
204 >>> # On both worker0 and worker1:
205 >>> def f(rref):
206 >>> return rref.to_here() + 1
208 >>> # On worker0:
209 >>> import torch
210 >>> import torch.distributed.rpc as rpc
211 >>> from torch.distributed.rpc import RRef
212 >>> rref = RRef(torch.zeros(2, 2))
213 >>> # the following RPC shares the rref with worker1, reference
214 >>> # count is automatically updated.
215 >>> rpc.rpc_sync("worker1", f, args=(rref,))
216 )")
217 .def(
218 py::init<const py::object&, const py::object&>(),
219 py::arg("value"),
220 py::arg("type_hint") = py::none())
221 .def(
222 // not releasing GIL here to avoid context switch on getters
223 "is_owner",
224 &PyRRef::isOwner,
225 R"(
226 Returns whether or not the current node is the owner of this
227 ``RRef``.
228 )")
229 .def(
230 "confirmed_by_owner",
231 &PyRRef::confirmedByOwner,
232 R"(
233 Returns whether this ``RRef`` has been confirmed by the owner.
234 ``OwnerRRef`` always returns true, while ``UserRRef`` only
235 returns true when the owner knowns about this ``UserRRef``.
236 )")
237 .def(
238 // not releasing GIL here to avoid context switch on getters
239 "owner",
240 &PyRRef::owner,
241 R"(
242 Returns worker information of the node that owns this ``RRef``.
243 )")
244 .def(
245 // not releasing GIL here to avoid context switch on getters
246 "owner_name",
247 &PyRRef::ownerName,
248 R"(
249 Returns worker name of the node that owns this ``RRef``.
250 )")
251 .def(
252 "to_here",
253 &PyRRef::toHere,
254 py::arg("timeout") = py::cast(kUnsetRpcTimeout),
255 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
256 R"(
257 Blocking call that copies the value of the RRef from the owner
258 to the local node and returns it. If the current node is the
259 owner, returns a reference to the local value.
261 Args:
262 timeout (float, optional): Timeout for ``to_here``. If
263 the call does not complete within this timeframe, an
264 exception indicating so will be raised. If this
265 argument is not provided, the default RPC timeout
266 (60s) will be used.
267 )")
268 .def(
269 "local_value",
270 &PyRRef::localValue,
271 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
272 R"(
273 If the current node is the owner, returns a reference to the
274 local value. Otherwise, throws an exception.
275 )")
276 .def(
277 "rpc_sync",
278 [](const PyRRef& self, float timeoutSeconds) {
279 return self.createRRefProxy(
280 RRefProxyType::RPC_SYNC, timeoutSeconds);
281 },
282 py::arg("timeout") = kUnsetRpcTimeout,
283 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
284 R"(
285 Create a helper proxy to easily launch an ``rpc_sync`` using
286 the owner of the RRef as the destination to run functions on
287 the object referenced by this RRef. More specifically,
288 ``rref.rpc_sync().func_name(*args, **kwargs)`` is the same as
289 the following:
291 >>> def run(rref, func_name, args, kwargs):
292 >>> return getattr(rref.local_value(), func_name)(*args, **kwargs)
293 >>>
294 >>> rpc.rpc_sync(rref.owner(), run, args=(rref, func_name, args, kwargs))
296 Args:
297 timeout (float, optional): Timeout for ``rref.rpc_sync()``.
298 If the call does not complete within this timeframe, an
299 exception indicating so will be raised. If this argument
300 is not provided, the default RPC timeout will be used.
302 Example::
303 >>> from torch.distributed import rpc
304 >>> rref = rpc.remote("worker1", torch.add, args=(torch.zeros(2, 2), 1))
305 >>> rref.rpc_sync().size() # returns torch.Size([2, 2])
306 >>> rref.rpc_sync().view(1, 4) # returns tensor([[1., 1., 1., 1.]])
307 )")
308 .def(
309 "rpc_async",
310 [](const PyRRef& self, float timeoutSeconds) {
311 return self.createRRefProxy(
312 RRefProxyType::RPC_ASYNC, timeoutSeconds);
313 },
314 py::arg("timeout") = kUnsetRpcTimeout,
315 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
316 R"(
317 Create a helper proxy to easily launch an ``rpc_async`` using
318 the owner of the RRef as the destination to run functions on
319 the object referenced by this RRef. More specifically,
320 ``rref.rpc_async().func_name(*args, **kwargs)`` is the same as
321 the following:
323 >>> def run(rref, func_name, args, kwargs):
324 >>> return getattr(rref.local_value(), func_name)(*args, **kwargs)
325 >>>
326 >>> rpc.rpc_async(rref.owner(), run, args=(rref, func_name, args, kwargs))
328 Args:
329 timeout (float, optional): Timeout for ``rref.rpc_async()``.
330 If the call does not complete within this timeframe, an
331 exception indicating so will be raised. If this argument
332 is not provided, the default RPC timeout will be used.
334 Example::
335 >>> from torch.distributed import rpc
336 >>> rref = rpc.remote("worker1", torch.add, args=(torch.zeros(2, 2), 1))
337 >>> rref.rpc_async().size().wait() # returns torch.Size([2, 2])
338 >>> rref.rpc_async().view(1, 4).wait() # returns tensor([[1., 1., 1., 1.]])
339 )")
340 .def(
341 "remote",
342 [](const PyRRef& self, float timeoutSeconds) {
343 return self.createRRefProxy(
344 RRefProxyType::REMOTE, timeoutSeconds);
345 },
346 py::arg("timeout") = kUnsetRpcTimeout,
347 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
348 R"(
349 Create a helper proxy to easily launch a ``remote`` using
350 the owner of the RRef as the destination to run functions on
351 the object referenced by this RRef. More specifically,
352 ``rref.remote().func_name(*args, **kwargs)`` is the same as
353 the following:
355 >>> def run(rref, func_name, args, kwargs):
356 >>> return getattr(rref.local_value(), func_name)(*args, **kwargs)
357 >>>
358 >>> rpc.remote(rref.owner(), run, args=(rref, func_name, args, kwargs))
360 Args:
361 timeout (float, optional): Timeout for ``rref.remote()``. If
362 the creation of this :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.RRef`
363 is not successfully completed within the timeout, then the
364 next time there is an attempt to use the RRef
365 (such as ``to_here``), a timeout will be raised. If not
366 provided, the default RPC timeout will be used. Please see
367 ``rpc.remote()`` for specific timeout semantics for
368 :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.RRef`.
370 Example::
371 >>> from torch.distributed import rpc
372 >>> rref = rpc.remote("worker1", torch.add, args=(torch.zeros(2, 2), 1))
373 >>> rref.remote().size().to_here() # returns torch.Size([2, 2])
374 >>> rref.remote().view(1, 4).to_here() # returns tensor([[1., 1., 1., 1.]])
375 )")
376 .def(
377 py::pickle(
378 /* __getstate__ */
379 [](const PyRRef& /* unused */) {
380 TORCH_CHECK(if ((__builtin_expect(static_cast<bool>(!(false)), 0)))
{ ::c10::detail::torchCheckFail( __func__, "../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp"
, static_cast<uint32_t>(383), (::c10::detail::torchCheckMsgImpl
( "Expected " "false" " to be true, but got false. " "(Could this error message be improved? If so, "
"please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)", "Can not pickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "
"pickled when using RPC"))); }
381 false,if ((__builtin_expect(static_cast<bool>(!(false)), 0)))
{ ::c10::detail::torchCheckFail( __func__, "../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp"
, static_cast<uint32_t>(383), (::c10::detail::torchCheckMsgImpl
( "Expected " "false" " to be true, but got false. " "(Could this error message be improved? If so, "
"please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)", "Can not pickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "
"pickled when using RPC"))); }
382 "Can not pickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "if ((__builtin_expect(static_cast<bool>(!(false)), 0)))
{ ::c10::detail::torchCheckFail( __func__, "../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp"
, static_cast<uint32_t>(383), (::c10::detail::torchCheckMsgImpl
( "Expected " "false" " to be true, but got false. " "(Could this error message be improved? If so, "
"please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)", "Can not pickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "
"pickled when using RPC"))); }
383 "pickled when using RPC")if ((__builtin_expect(static_cast<bool>(!(false)), 0)))
{ ::c10::detail::torchCheckFail( __func__, "../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp"
, static_cast<uint32_t>(383), (::c10::detail::torchCheckMsgImpl
( "Expected " "false" " to be true, but got false. " "(Could this error message be improved? If so, "
"please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)", "Can not pickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "
"pickled when using RPC"))); }
384 // Note that this return has no meaning since we always
385 // throw, it's only here to satisfy Pybind API's
386 // requirement.
387 return py::make_tuple();
388 },
389 /* __setstate__ */
390 [](py::tuple /* unused */) { // NOLINT
391 TORCH_CHECK(if ((__builtin_expect(static_cast<bool>(!(false)), 0)))
{ ::c10::detail::torchCheckFail( __func__, "../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp"
, static_cast<uint32_t>(394), (::c10::detail::torchCheckMsgImpl
( "Expected " "false" " to be true, but got false. " "(Could this error message be improved? If so, "
"please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)", "Can not unpickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "
"unpickled when using RPC"))); }
392 false,if ((__builtin_expect(static_cast<bool>(!(false)), 0)))
{ ::c10::detail::torchCheckFail( __func__, "../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp"
, static_cast<uint32_t>(394), (::c10::detail::torchCheckMsgImpl
( "Expected " "false" " to be true, but got false. " "(Could this error message be improved? If so, "
"please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)", "Can not unpickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "
"unpickled when using RPC"))); }
393 "Can not unpickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "if ((__builtin_expect(static_cast<bool>(!(false)), 0)))
{ ::c10::detail::torchCheckFail( __func__, "../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp"
, static_cast<uint32_t>(394), (::c10::detail::torchCheckMsgImpl
( "Expected " "false" " to be true, but got false. " "(Could this error message be improved? If so, "
"please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)", "Can not unpickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "
"unpickled when using RPC"))); }
394 "unpickled when using RPC")if ((__builtin_expect(static_cast<bool>(!(false)), 0)))
{ ::c10::detail::torchCheckFail( __func__, "../torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/init.cpp"
, static_cast<uint32_t>(394), (::c10::detail::torchCheckMsgImpl
( "Expected " "false" " to be true, but got false. " "(Could this error message be improved? If so, "
"please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)", "Can not unpickle rref in python pickler, rref can only be "
"unpickled when using RPC"))); }
395 // Note that this return has no meaning since we always
396 // throw, it's only here to satisfy PyBind's API
397 // requirement.
398 return PyRRef(
399 py::cast<py::none>(Py_None(&_Py_NoneStruct)),
400 py::cast<py::none>(Py_None(&_Py_NoneStruct)));
401 }),
402 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
403 .def(
404 "_serialize",
405 &PyRRef::pickle,
406 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
407 .def_static(
408 "_deserialize",
409 &PyRRef::unpickle,
410 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
411 .def(
412 "_get_type",
413 // Intentionally not releasing GIL, as most accesses just
414 // retrieve cached type py::object
415 &PyRRef::getRRefType,
416 py::arg("timeout") = kUnsetRpcTimeout,
417 py::arg("blocking") = true,
418 R"(
419 If ``blocking=True``, returns the type of the data object
420 referenced by this ``RRef``. On the owner, this is same as
421 ``type(rref.local_value())``. Otherwise, returns a future to
422 this result. On a user, this will trigger an RPC to fetch the
423 ``type`` object from the owner. After this function is run
424 once, the ``type`` object is cached by the ``RRef``, and
425 subsequent invocations no longer trigger RPC. Note that this is
426 true regardless of the ``blocking`` argument of subsequent
427 calls.
429 Args:
430 rref (torch.distributed.rpc.RRef): The RRef to get type of.
431 timeout (float, optional): Timeout, in seconds for
432 ``_get_type``. If the call does not complete within
433 this timeframe, an exception indicating so will be
434 raised. If this argument is not provided, the default
435 RPC timeout will be used.
436 blocking (bool, optional): Whether to synchronously wait on
437 the RPC triggered by the first call and return the
438 type. If ``False``, will return a future. Default is
439 ``True``.
440 )")
441 .def(
442 "_get_future",
443 [](const PyRRef& self) {
444 return std::make_shared<jit::PythonFutureWrapper>(
445 self.getFuture());
446 },
447 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
448 R"(
449 Returns the future that corresponds to the creation of this RRef
450 on the remote node. This is for internal use cases such as profiling
451 only.
452 )")
453 .def(
454 "_get_profiling_future",
455 [](const PyRRef& self) {
456 return std::make_shared<jit::PythonFutureWrapper>(
457 self.getProfilingFuture());
458 },
459 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_acquire>(),
460 R"(
461 Returns future that completes when the profiling event corresponding
462 to the creation of this RRef on the remote node has been recorded.
463 )")
464 .def(
465 "_set_profiling_future",
466 [](PyRRef& self,
467 const std::shared_ptr<jit::PythonFutureWrapper>&
468 wrappedFuture) {
469 self.setProfilingFuture(wrappedFuture->fut);
470 },
471 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_acquire>(),
472 R"(
473 Set future that is completed when the profiling event corresponding
474 to the creation of this RRef on the remote node has been recorded.
475 )")
476 .def(
477 "backward",
478 [](PyRRef& self,
479 int64_t dist_autograd_ctx_id,
480 bool retain_graph) {
481 self.backward(dist_autograd_ctx_id, retain_graph);
482 },
483 py::arg("dist_autograd_ctx_id") = -1,
484 py::arg("retain_graph") = false,
485 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
486 R"(
487 Runs the backward pass using the RRef as the root of the
488 backward pass. If ``dist_autograd_ctx_id`` is provided,
489 we perform a distributed backward pass using the provided
490 ctx_id starting from the owner of the RRef. In this case,
491 :meth:`~torch.distributed.autograd.get_gradients` should be
492 used to retrieve the gradients. If ``dist_autograd_ctx_id``
493 is ``None``, it is assumed that this is a local autograd graph
494 and we only perform a local backward pass. In the local case,
495 the node calling this API has to be the owner of the RRef.
496 The value of the RRef is expected to be a scalar Tensor.
498 Args:
499 dist_autograd_ctx_id (int, optional): The distributed
500 autograd context id for which we should retrieve the
501 gradients (default: -1).
502 retain_graph(bool, optional): If ``False``, the graph used to
503 compute the grad will be freed. Note that in nearly all
504 cases setting this option to ``True`` is not needed and
505 often can be worked around in a much more efficient way.
506 Usually, you need to set this to ``True`` to run backward
507 multiple times (default: False).
509 Example::
510 >>> import torch.distributed.autograd as dist_autograd
511 >>> with dist_autograd.context() as context_id:
512 >>> rref.backward(context_id)
513 )")
514 // not releasing GIL to avoid context switch
515 .def("__repr__", &PyRRef::str);
517 shared_ptr_class_<ProcessGroupRpcBackendOptions>(
518 module,
519 "ProcessGroupRpcBackendOptions",
520 rpcBackendOptions,
521 R"(
522 The backend options class for ``ProcessGroupAgent``, which is derived
523 from ``RpcBackendOptions``.
525 Args:
526 num_send_recv_threads (int, optional): The number of threads in
527 the thread-pool used by ``ProcessGroupAgent`` (default: 4).
528 rpc_timeout (float, optional): The default timeout, in seconds,
529 for RPC requests (default: 60 seconds). If the
530 RPC has not completed in this timeframe, an exception
531 indicating so will be raised. Callers can override this
532 timeout for individual RPCs in
533 :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_sync` and
534 :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_async` if necessary.
535 init_method (str, optional): The URL to initialize
536 ``ProcessGroupGloo`` (default: ``env://``).
537 )")
538 .def(
539 py::init<int, float, std::string>(),
540 py::arg("num_send_recv_threads") = kDefaultNumSendRecvThreads,
541 py::arg("rpc_timeout") = kDefaultRpcTimeoutSeconds,
542 py::arg("init_method") = kDefaultInitMethod)
543 .def_readwrite(
544 "num_send_recv_threads",
545 &ProcessGroupRpcBackendOptions::numSendRecvThreads,
546 R"(
547 The number of threads in the thread-pool used by ProcessGroupAgent.
548 )");
550 module.attr("_DEFAULT_NUM_SEND_RECV_THREADS") =
551 py::cast(kDefaultNumSendRecvThreads);
553 shared_ptr_class_<ProcessGroupAgent>(module, "ProcessGroupAgent", rpcAgent)
554 .def(py::init([](const c10::intrusive_ptr<::c10d::Store>& store,
555 std::string workerName,
556 const c10::intrusive_ptr<::c10d::ProcessGroup>& pg,
557 int numSendRecvThreads,
558 std::chrono::milliseconds rpcTimeout) {
559 return std::shared_ptr<ProcessGroupAgent>(
560 new ProcessGroupAgent(
561 store,
562 std::move(workerName),
563 pg,
564 numSendRecvThreads,
565 rpcTimeout,
566 std::make_unique<RequestCallbackImpl>()),
567 impl::destroy_without_gil<ProcessGroupAgent>);
568 }))
569 .def(
570 "get_worker_info",
571 (const WorkerInfo& (ProcessGroupAgent::*)(void) const) &
572 RpcAgent::getWorkerInfo,
573 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
574 .def(
575 "get_worker_info",
576 (const WorkerInfo& (ProcessGroupAgent::*)(const std::string&) const) &
577 ProcessGroupAgent::getWorkerInfo,
578 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
579 .def(
580 "get_worker_info",
581 (const WorkerInfo& (ProcessGroupAgent::*)(worker_id_t id) const) &
582 ProcessGroupAgent::getWorkerInfo,
583 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
584 .def(
585 "get_worker_infos",
586 (std::vector<WorkerInfo>(ProcessGroupAgent::*)() const) &
587 ProcessGroupAgent::getWorkerInfos,
588 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
589 .def(
590 "_get_device_map",
591 (DeviceMap(ProcessGroupAgent::*)(const WorkerInfo& dst) const) &
592 ProcessGroupAgent::getDeviceMap,
593 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
594 .def(
595 "join",
596 &ProcessGroupAgent::join,
597 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
598 py::arg("shutdown") = false)
599 .def(
600 "shutdown",
601 &ProcessGroupAgent::shutdown,
602 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
603 .def(
604 "sync",
605 &ProcessGroupAgent::sync,
606 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
610 // Base class: torch.distributed.rpc.RpcBackendOptions.
611 py::class_<TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions>(
612 module, "_TensorPipeRpcBackendOptionsBase", rpcBackendOptions)
613 .def(
614 py::init<
615 int,
616 optional<std::vector<std::string>>,
617 optional<std::vector<std::string>>,
618 float,
619 std::string,
620 std::unordered_map<std::string, DeviceMap>,
621 std::vector<c10::Device>>(),
622 py::arg("num_worker_threads") = kDefaultNumWorkerThreads,
623 py::arg("_transports") = optional<std::vector<std::string>>(),
624 py::arg("_channels") = optional<std::vector<std::string>>(),
625 py::arg("rpc_timeout") = kDefaultRpcTimeoutSeconds,
626 py::arg("init_method") = kDefaultInitMethod,
627 py::arg("device_maps") = std::unordered_map<std::string, DeviceMap>(),
628 py::arg("devices") = std::vector<c10::Device>())
629 .def_readwrite(
630 "num_worker_threads",
631 &TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions::numWorkerThreads,
632 R"(
633 The number of threads in the thread-pool used by
634 :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.TensorPipeAgent` to execute
635 requests.
636 )")
637 .def_readwrite(
638 "device_maps",
639 &TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions::deviceMaps,
640 R"(The device map locations.)")
641 .def_readwrite(
642 "devices",
643 &TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions::devices,
644 R"(All devices used by the local agent.)")
645 .def("_set_device_map", &TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions::setDeviceMap);
647 module.attr("_DEFAULT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS") =
648 py::cast(kDefaultNumWorkerThreads);
650 shared_ptr_class_<TensorPipeAgent>(module, "TensorPipeAgent", rpcAgent)
651 .def(
652 py::init(
653 [](const c10::intrusive_ptr<::c10d::Store>& store,
654 std::string selfName,
655 worker_id_t selfId,
656 int worldSize,
657 c10::intrusive_ptr<::c10d::ProcessGroup> processGroup,
658 TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions opts,
659 std::unordered_map<std::string, DeviceMap> reverseDeviceMaps,
660 std::vector<c10::Device> devices) {
661 return std::shared_ptr<TensorPipeAgent>(
662 new TensorPipeAgent(
663 store,
664 std::move(selfName),
665 selfId,
666 worldSize,
667 std::move(processGroup),
668 std::move(opts),
669 std::move(reverseDeviceMaps),
670 std::move(devices),
671 std::make_unique<RequestCallbackImpl>()),
672 impl::destroy_without_gil<TensorPipeAgent>);
673 }),
674 py::arg("store"),
675 py::arg("name"),
676 py::arg("rank"),
677 py::arg("world_size"),
678 py::arg("process_group"),
679 py::arg("rpc_backend_options"),
680 py::arg("reverse_device_maps"),
681 py::arg("devices"))
682 .def(
683 "join",
684 &TensorPipeAgent::join,
685 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(),
686 py::arg("shutdown") = false)
687 .def(
688 "shutdown",
689 &TensorPipeAgent::shutdown,
690 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
691 .def(
692 "get_worker_info",
693 (const WorkerInfo& (TensorPipeAgent::*)(void) const) &
694 RpcAgent::getWorkerInfo,
695 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
696 .def(
697 "get_worker_info",
698 (const WorkerInfo& (TensorPipeAgent::*)(const std::string&) const) &
699 TensorPipeAgent::getWorkerInfo,
700 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
701 .def(
702 "get_worker_info",
703 (const WorkerInfo& (TensorPipeAgent::*)(worker_id_t id) const) &
704 TensorPipeAgent::getWorkerInfo,
705 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
706 .def(
707 "get_worker_infos",
708 (std::vector<WorkerInfo>(TensorPipeAgent::*)() const) &
709 TensorPipeAgent::getWorkerInfos,
710 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>())
711 .def(
712 "_get_device_map",
713 (DeviceMap(TensorPipeAgent::*)(const WorkerInfo& dst) const) &
714 TensorPipeAgent::getDeviceMap,
715 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
717#endif // USE_TENSORPIPE
719 module.def("_is_current_rpc_agent_set", &RpcAgent::isCurrentRpcAgentSet);
721 module.def("_get_current_rpc_agent", &RpcAgent::getCurrentRpcAgent);
723 module.def(
724 "_set_and_start_rpc_agent",
725 [](const std::shared_ptr<RpcAgent>& rpcAgent) {
726 RpcAgent::setCurrentRpcAgent(rpcAgent);
727 // Initializing typeResolver inside RpcAgent constructor will make
728 // RpcAgent have python dependency. To avoid RpcAgent to have python
729 // dependency, setTypeResolver() here.
730 std::shared_ptr<TypeResolver> typeResolver =
731 std::make_shared<TypeResolver>([&](const c10::QualifiedName& qn) {
732 auto typePtr = PythonRpcHandler::getInstance().parseTypeFromStr(
733 qn.qualifiedName());
734 return c10::StrongTypePtr(
735 PythonRpcHandler::getInstance().jitCompilationUnit(),
736 std::move(typePtr));
737 });
738 rpcAgent->setTypeResolver(typeResolver);
739 rpcAgent->start();
740 },
741 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
743 module.def("_reset_current_rpc_agent", []() {
744 RpcAgent::setCurrentRpcAgent(nullptr);
745 });
747 module.def(
748 "_delete_all_user_and_unforked_owner_rrefs",
749 [](std::chrono::milliseconds timeoutMillis) {
750 RRefContext::getInstance().delAllUsersAndUnforkedOwners(timeoutMillis);
751 },
752 py::arg("timeout") = kDeleteAllUsersTimeout,
753 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
755 module.def("_destroy_rref_context", [](bool ignoreRRefLeak) {
756 // NB: do not release GIL in the function. The destroyInstance() method
757 // returns a list of deleted OwnerRRefs that hold py::object instances.
758 // Clearing those OwnerRRefs are likely to trigger Python deref, which
759 // requires GIL.
760 RRefContext::getInstance().destroyInstance(ignoreRRefLeak).clear();
761 });
763 module.def("_rref_context_get_debug_info", []() {
764 return RRefContext::getInstance().getDebugInfo();
765 });
767 module.def(
768 "_cleanup_python_rpc_handler",
769 []() { PythonRpcHandler::getInstance().cleanup(); },
770 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
772 module.def(
773 "_invoke_rpc_builtin",
774 [](const WorkerInfo& dst,
775 const std::string& opName,
776 const float rpcTimeoutSeconds,
777 const py::args& args,
778 const py::kwargs& kwargs) {
779 return std::make_shared<jit::PythonFutureWrapper>(
780 pyRpcBuiltin(dst, opName, args, kwargs, rpcTimeoutSeconds));
781 },
782 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_acquire>());
784 module.def(
785 "_invoke_rpc_python_udf",
786 [](const WorkerInfo& dst,
787 std::string& pickledPythonUDF,
788 std::vector<torch::Tensor>& tensors,
789 const float rpcTimeoutSeconds,
790 const bool isAsyncExecution) {
791 return std::make_shared<jit::PythonFutureWrapper>(pyRpcPythonUdf(
792 dst,
793 pickledPythonUDF,
794 tensors,
795 rpcTimeoutSeconds,
796 isAsyncExecution));
797 },
798 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
800 module.def(
801 "_invoke_rpc_torchscript",
802 [](const std::string& dstWorkerName,
803 const std::string& qualifiedNameStr,
804 const py::tuple& argsTuple,
805 const py::dict& kwargsDict,
806 const float rpcTimeoutSeconds,
807 const bool isAsyncExecution) {
808 return std::make_shared<jit::PythonFutureWrapper>(pyRpcTorchscript(
809 dstWorkerName,
810 qualifiedNameStr,
811 argsTuple,
812 kwargsDict,
813 rpcTimeoutSeconds,
814 isAsyncExecution));
815 },
816 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
818 module.def(
819 "_invoke_remote_builtin",
820 &pyRemoteBuiltin,
821 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_acquire>());
823 module.def(
824 "_invoke_remote_python_udf",
825 &pyRemotePythonUdf,
826 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
828 module.def(
829 "_invoke_remote_torchscript",
830 &pyRemoteTorchscript,
831 py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>());
833 module.def(
834 "get_rpc_timeout",
835 []() {
836 return RpcAgent::getCurrentRpcAgent()->getRpcTimeout().count() /
837 kSecToMsConversion;
838 },
839 R"(
840 Retrieve the default timeout for all RPCs that was set during RPC initialization.
841 The returned value will be in seconds.
842 Returns:
843 ``float`` indicating the RPC timeout in seconds.
844 )");
846 module.def(
847 "enable_gil_profiling",
848 [](bool flag) {
849 RpcAgent::getCurrentRpcAgent()->enableGILProfiling(flag);
850 },
851 R"(
852 Set whether GIL wait times should be enabled or not. This incurs a slight
853 overhead cost. Default is disabled for performance reasons.
855 Args:
856 flag (bool): True to set GIL profiling, False to disable.
857 )");
859 module.def(
860 "_set_rpc_timeout",
861 [](const float rpcTimeoutSeconds) {
862 auto rpcTimeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(
863 static_cast<int>(rpcTimeoutSeconds * kSecToMsConversion));
864 RpcAgent::getCurrentRpcAgent()->setRpcTimeout(rpcTimeout);
865 },
866 R"(
867 Set the default timeout for all RPCs. The input unit is expected to be
868 in seconds. If an RPC is not completed within this time, an exception
869 indicating it has timed out will be raised. To control timeout for
870 specific RPCs, a timeout parameter can be passed into
871 :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_sync` and
872 :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_async`.
874 Args:
875 rpcTimeoutSeconds (float): Timeout value in seconds.
876 )");
878 module.def(
879 "_enable_server_process_global_profiler",
880 &profiler::processglobal::enableServer);
881 module.def(
882 "_disable_server_process_global_profiler",
883 &profiler::processglobal::disableServer);
885 module.def("_set_profiler_node_id", &at::RecordFunction::setDefaultNodeId);
887 py::class_<
888 RemoteProfilerManager,
889 std::unique_ptr<RemoteProfilerManager, py::nodelete>>(
890 module, "RemoteProfilerManager")
891 .def("set_current_profiling_key", [](const std::string& key) {
892 auto& inst = RemoteProfilerManager::getInstance();
893 inst.setCurrentKey(key);
894 });
896 module.def(
897 "_enable_jit_rref_pickle",
898 &enableJitRRefPickle,
899 R"(
900 Allows ``torch.jit.save`` to save a ``torch.jit.ScriptModule`` with
901 pickled RRefs out of RPC contexts.
904 .. warning::
905 This is dangerous. If the module contains RRefs, the pickled
906 result must be sent over RPC and get unpickled on the receiving side
907 to restore the module. Otherwise, there will be RRef leaks, which
908 can potentially lead to program hang. When using this API, it is
909 applications responsibility to make sure that the above assumption
910 always holds.
911 )");
912 module.def("_disable_jit_rref_pickle", &disableJitRRefPickle);
914 Py_RETURN_TRUEreturn _Py_INCREF(((PyObject*)(((PyObject *) &_Py_TrueStruct
)))), ((PyObject *) &_Py_TrueStruct)
917} // namespace
919static PyMethodDef methods[] = { // NOLINT
920 {"_rpc_init", rpc_init, METH_NOARGS0x0004, nullptr},
921 {nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr}};
923PyMethodDef* python_functions() {
924 return methods;
927} // namespace rpc
928} // namespace distributed
929} // namespace torch


1#ifndef PyImport_ImportModule
2struct _object;
3typedef struct _object PyObject;
4PyObject* clang_analyzer_PyObject_New_Reference();
5PyObject* PyImport_ImportModule(const char *name) {
6 return clang_analyzer_PyObject_New_Reference();
Setting reference count to 1
9#warning "API PyImport_ImportModule is defined as a macro."