Comparison with Pungi and RID

We compare the result of PyRefcon against Pungi and RID literally through the comparison with CpyChecker in their papers 12. The data of Pungi is extracted from Table 2 on page 100 and Table 3 on page 101; whereas the data of RID is copied from Table 2 on page 542.

The number of true positives of PyRefcon, CpyChecker, and Pungi.

Project PyRefcon CpyChecker Pungi
pyaudio 42 25 30
pycrypto 7 6 7
pyxattr 2 2 2
rrdtool 24 0 0
dbus 9 1 1
duplicity 3 2 2
Total 87 36 42

The number of true positives of PyRefcon, CpyChecker, and RID.

Project PyRefcon CpyChecker RID
pyaudio 42 32 46

The corresponding results above is shown in Figure 9b.

  1. Li, Siliang, and Gang Tan. “Finding reference-counting errors in Python/C programs with affine analysis.” In ECOOP 2014–Object-Oriented Programming: 28th European Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, July 28–August 1, 2014. Proceedings 28, pp. 80-104. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

  2. Mao, Junjie, Yu Chen, Qixue Xiao, and Yuanchun Shi. “RID: finding reference count bugs with inconsistent path pair checking.” In Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pp. 531-544. 2016.