MMCsp is a compiler from a simple probabilistic pi-calculus to PRISM models. It is built on XSB, a tabled logic programming system, and generates the symbolic semantic representation of a probabilistic pi-calculus term in text. A separate Java program then translates this semantic representation into a probabilistic model for PRISM.
The tool was developed under the collaboration between teams Comete (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique, LIX) and PRISM (Oxford University Computing Laboratory) under an INRIA/ARC Project ProNobis.
The source code is free to download.
Dining Cryptographers Problem (under directories "Examples\probdcp2" and "Examples\probdcp3") Partial Secret Exchange algorithm (under directory "Examples\pse") To run these examples, type "make" under each of the above directories.