Yan Cai (蔡彦)
PhD (CityU), BEng (SDU)
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China.
Email: ycai.mail _A_T_ gmail.com
PhD (CityU), BEng (SDU)
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China.
Email: ycai.mail _A_T_ gmail.com
Please visit my new home page at http://yancai.site
My Google Scholar and DBLP.
I am interested in concurrency bugs in large-scale multithreaded programs, such as:
- Concurrency Bug Fixing/Repair: FSE 2017a, ICSE 2016a.
- Data Race - Sampling: FSE 2017b, FSE 2016,
- Data Race - Scheduling and Reduction: FSE 2015, IEEE TPDS 2013, ISSRE 2011.
- Predictive Deadlock Detection: ICSE 2012, IEEE TSE 2014.
- Real Deadlock Detection: ASE 2016, TSE 2016, ICSE 2014, IEEE TPDS 2015, PPoPP 2013, ICSE 2012.
These two papers present an overview on part of my previous work: ECOOP 2012 DS (presented at ECOOP 2012 Doctoral Symposium) and TSETH 2013 (including some ideas on implementation of my research tools and some demo screenshots) .
Some of my Research Tools are available. If you are interested in my research and my research tools, please feel free to contact me.
Academic Services
Journal services
- Editorial Board member, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), from 2017.
- Young Associate Editor, Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), from 2014 (Received: 2016 Excellent Young AE Award).
- Guest Co-Editor, SQJ Special Issue for COMPSAC (SETA) 2018 with Open Call, Testing and Repair for Software Engineering Technologies and Applications. Submission deadline: Nov. 1, 2018.
Conference services
- Program co-Chair, COMPSAC SETA 2019, CFP.
- Publicity co-chair, ICST 2019.
- Program co-Chair, COMPSAC SETA 2018, CFP.
- PC member (2018), ASE (CCF A), SETTA, SATE (中文投稿), QRS, TAV-CPS/IoT.
Other Paper review service (including PC member, selected)
- Journals: IEEE TSE, IEEE TC, IEEE TSC, IEEE TR, JSS, The Compute Journal, Computer Languages, Systems and Structures ...
- Conferences: ICSE 2015, FSE 2014, COMPSAC 2015/2016/2017, QSIC 2013, ICSOC 2013, ICWS 2015/2012/2011, ICEBE 2011, APSEC 2011 ...
- Keynote Speaker, IEEE TrustSoft 2016
- Student Volunteer of ACM PLDI 2012 and ECOOP 2012, Beijing, China
- Helper of IEEE APSEC 2012, Hong Kong, China
Journal Papers
Conference Papers ( § indicates Co-First Author)
NEW Yan Cai, Biyun Zhu, Ruijie Meng, Hao Yun, Liang He, Purui Su, and Bin Liang. Detecting Concurrency Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities. ESEC/FSE'19, accepted, 2019.
Papers in Chinese
- Biyun Zhu (2016)
- Haicheng Li (2016)
- Ruijie Meng (2017)
- Hao Yun (2018)
- Lingwei Cao (2015-2018), Master Student, First Job: Alibaba (阿里巴巴)
- 2018: 北京市优秀毕业生,中国科学院大学优秀毕业生,中国科学院院长奖学金(院长优秀奖学金)
- 2017: 国家奖学金, ACM SIGSOFT CAPS funds (1250 USD)
- 2016: ACM SIGSOFT CAPS funds (1000 USD)
- 2016-2017: 中国科学院大学学业奖学金一等奖、三好学生, 计算机科学国家重点实验室绩效奖学金一等奖
- 2015-2016: 中国科学院大学学业奖学金二等奖, 计算机科学国家重点实验室绩效奖学金一等奖
Honors, Awards, and Grants (Selected)
- 2018, CCF NASAC-Neusoft Youth Software Innovation Award (CCF NASAC-东软 青年软件创新奖), CCF TCSE and CCF TCSS
- 2018, Excellent Advisor Award (优秀导师), ISCAS (中国科学院软件研究所).
- 2017, Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program (青年人才托举工程), CAST (China Association for Science and Technology) and CCF (China Computer Federation).
- 2016, Excellent Young AE Award, Frontiers of Computer Science.
- 2014, ACM SIGSOFT CAPS Travel Award for travel to ICSE'14. Amount: 675 USD.
- 2013, Research Tuition Scholarship for Research Student, City University of Hong Kong.
- 2013, Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Student, City University of Hong Kong.
- 2012, Conference Grant for travel to ICSE'12, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: 10,000 HKD.
- 2011, Conference Grant for travel to ISSRE'11, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: 8,971.33 HKD.
- 2009, Literary and Art Activities Individual Scholarship, Shandong University, China. Amount: 1,000 RMB.
- 2008, National Inspirational Scholarship, Shandong University. Amount: 5,000 RMB.
- 2008, First Class Scholarship and Merit Student, Shandong University. Amount: 3,000 RMB.
- 2008, Third Class Award in The National College Students Language Basic Skills Competition, MOE of China.
- 2007, National Inspirational Scholarship, Shandong University. Amount: 5,000 RMB.
- 2007, Second Class Scholarship, Shandong University. Amount: 2,000 RMB.
Teaching Experience @CityU.CS
- Computer Networks, Software Design, Software Engineering Practice, Software Testing and Maintenance.
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