Complexity of inversion of functions on the reals


We study the complexity of deterministic and probabilistic inversions of partial computable functions on the reals.

Content Overview

We regard a Turing functional $f$ as a (possibly partial) map (function) from $2^\omega$ to $2^\omega$, that is, $f(x)$ is the real $y$ such that $y(n)=f^x(n)$ (the output of $f$ with oracle $x$ and input $n$) for all $n$. In this way we can talk about functions from $2^\omega$ to $2^\omega$ and the partial computable ones. Let $\mathsf{ML}$ be the collection of all Martin-Löf random reals.

Given functions $f,g$, $g$ is an \textbf{inversion} of $f$ if $f(g(y))=y$ for all $y\in f(2^\omega)$. More generally, we give $g$ access to a random oracle and only require it to succeed on positive measure, that is, we consider

$$L_{f,g}={(x,r):f(g(f(x),r))=f(x)}$$ $$R_{f,g}={(y,r):f(g(y,r))=y}.$$

Given partial computable $f$, we define $f$ to be

  • oneway if $\mu(f^{-1}(\mathsf{ML}))>0$ and $\mu(R_{f,g})=0$ for all partial computable $g$.
  • left-oneway if $\mu(\mathsf{dom}(f))>0$ and $\mu(L_{f,g})=0$ for all partial computable $g$.
  • right-oneway if $\mu(f(2^\omega))>0$ and $\mu(R_{f,g})=0$ for all partial computable $g$.

We also define $f$ to be $w$-oneway if we quantify over all $w$-computable $g$.

A function $f$ is random-preserving if $\mu(\mathsf{dom}(f))>0$ and $f$ maps randoms to randoms.

In the paper we explore the basic properties of partial computable functions and probabilistic inversions of them.

Theorem. There is a total computable random-preserving surjection $f$ which has no continuous inversion.

Theorem. For partial computable $f$, $\mu(f^{-1}(\mathsf{ML}))>0$ if and only if $f$ extends a partial computable random-preserving function.

Theorem. If $f$ is oneway then $f$ is right-oneway. If $f$ is right-oneway and random-preserving then $f$ is left-oneway.

Theorem. There is a partial computable random-preserving left-oneway function that is not right-oneway.

Also we want to characterize the collection of oracles that can compute probabilistic inversion of all partial computable functions.

Theorem. For any oracle $w$, $w$ computes a probabilistic inversion of every total computable $f$ (i.e. every total computable $f$ is not $w$-oneway) if and only if $\emptyset’\leq_T w$.

Theorem. For any oracle $w$, if $\emptyset’’\leq_T w$ then $w$ computes a probabilistic inversion of every partial computable $f$ (i.e. every partial computable $f$ is not $w$-oneway).

We are also interested in injective oneway functions.

Fact. Every total computable injective $f$ is not oneway.

Theorem. For any oracle $w$, if $\emptyset’\leq_{LR} w$ then $w$ computes a probabilistic inversion of every partial computable injective $f$ (i.e. every partial computable injective $f$ is not $w$-oneway).

Theorem. There is a partial computable injective left-oneway function.

Open problem

Question. What are, exactly, the collection of oracles $w$ such that every partial computable $f$ is not $w$-oneway?

Question. Is there a partial computable injective oneway function?

Question. What are, exactly, the collection of oracles $w$ such that every partial computable injective $f$ is not $w$-oneway?

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Xiaoyan Zhang
Xiaoyan Zhang
master’s degree student