Professional Activities

  • Chair of ACM SIGCHI China Chapter (2011-)
  • The International Medical Informatics Association(IMIA), Wearable Sensors in Healthcare Working Group, Vice Chair (2011-)
  • Council member of Chinese Association for Artficial Intelligence (2010-)
  • Assoicate Editor of Communications of the China Computer Federation (2012-)
  • Academic Member of CCF YOCSEF (2012-)
  • China HCI 2010, Program Chair
  • ACM Conference on Intelligence User Interface 2010, PC member
  • MobileHCI 2011, PC member
  • IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(INTERACT) 2011, Associate Chair (Short Paper)
  • Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI) 2012, Associate Program Chair
  • IEEE Conference on Information and Automation 2010, PC member
  • Reviewer of ACM SIGCHI, ACM IUI, ACM Creativity & Cognition, ACM TOMCCAP, etc.


Recent Talks

  • April 14, 2010

    Gave a presentation about "Let's Play Chinese Characters - Mobile Learning Approaches via Culturally Inspired Group Games" on The ACM CHI 2010 Conference.

  • April 14, 2009

    Gave a talk "A new interaction layer for pen-based user interfaces" at Berkeley Institute of Design, UC Berkeley.

  • April 9, 2008

    Gave a presentation about "Tilt Menu: Using the 3D Orientation Information of Pen Devices to Extend the Selection Capability of Pen-based User" on The ACM CHI 2008 Conference.

  • May 3, 2007

    Gave a talk "Research on Pen-based User Interface" at Nokia Research Center in Palo Alto, CA.

  • April 30, 2007

    Gave a presentation about "The Tilt Cursor: Enhancing Stimulus-Response Compatibility by Providing 3D Orientation Cue of Pen" on The ACM CHI 2007 Conference.

  • Jan 22, 2007

    Gave a talk "Research on Pen-based User Interface and it's applications in Education" on the "Mobile Computing in Education Symposium" at Microsoft Research Asia.

 To graduate and undergraduate students: if you are interested in HCI research, and interested in joining my research group (as PhD. student, Master student, or intern). Do not hesitate, contact me and show your talent.