Research Professor
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, 100190
P.R. of China
Tel: +86 10 62661628
Fax: +86 10 62661627
Email: ligy (at)
Formal Methods; Temporal Logic; Timed Automata; Model
Checking Tools for Real-Time Systems.
CTAV 2.0: Model Checking Metric Temporal Logic MTL0,∞ for Timed Büchi Automata
CASAAL: Translating Metric Temporal logic MTL0,∞ into Timed Büchi Automata
M. Chavez, Wuwei Shen, Robert B. France, Benjamin A. Mechling, and Guangyuan Li: An Approach to Checking Consistency
between UML Class Model and Its Java Implementation, IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering, 42(4), pp322-344,2016.
Moritz Hahn, Guangyuan Li, Sven Schewe,
Andrea Turrini, Lijun
Zhang: Lazy Probabilistic Model Checking
without Determinisation. 26th International
Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2015), pp354-367, 2015.
Peter Bulychev, Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen, Guangyuan Li: Efficient
controller synthesis for a fragment of MTL0,∞.
Acta Informatica,
Vol. 51, Issue 3, pp.165-192, DOI 10.1007/s00236-013-0189-z, Springer, 2014.
David, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Guangyuan
Li, Danny B. Poulsen:Quantified Dynamic Metric Temporal Logic
for Dynamic Networks of Stochastic Hybrid Automata. 14th International Conference on Application of
Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2014), pp.32-41, 2014.
Gaogao Yan, Xue-Yang Zhu, Rongjie
Yan and Guangyuan Li: Formal Throughput and Response Time Analysis of MARTE Models. 16th
International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2014), LNCS 8829,
pp.430-445, 2014.
Peter Bulychev, Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Guangyuan Li, Danny B. Poulsen: Rewrite-Based Statistical Model Checking of
WMTL. 3rd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2012), LNCS
7687, pp.260-275, 2013.
Peter Bulychev, Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Guangyuan Li, Danny B. Poulsen, Amelie Stainer: Monitor-Based
Statistical Model Checking for Weighted Metric Temporal Logic. 18th
International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and
Reasoning (LPAR-18), LNCS 7180, pp. 168-182, 2012.
Guangyuan Li: Checking Timed Büchi
Automata Emptiness Using LU-Abstractions. Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems
(FORMATS 2009), LNCS 5813, pp. 228-242, Springer, 2009.
9. Yan Rongjie, Li Guangyuan, Zhang Wenliang and Peng Yunquan: Improvements for the Symbolic Verification of Timed Automata, Proceedings of the 27th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems ( FORTE 2007), LNCS 4574, pp.196--210, Springer, 2007.
10. Yan Rongjie, Li Guangyuan, Xu Yubo, Liu Chunming and Tang Zhisong: Reachability checking of finite precision timed automata(in Chinese), Journal of Software, 17(1):1-10, 2006.
11. Li Liang, Ma Huadong and Li Guangyuan: Formal Specification and Model Checking of CSMA/CA Using Finite Precision Timed Automata, The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 12(3), 33-38,2005.
12. Yan Rongjie, Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: Symobolic Model Checking of Finite Precision Timed Automata, Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing(ICTAC’05), LNCS 3722, pp.272--287, Springer, 2005.
13. Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: Translating a Continuous-Time Temporal Logic into Timed Automata, Proceedings of the first Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2003), LNCS 2895, pp.322--338, Springer, 2003.
Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: Representing and Verifying Reactive Systems with Continuous-Time
Temporal Logic (in Chinese), Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol.26, No.11, 1424--1434,
Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: Modeling Real-Time Systems with Continuous-Time Temporal Logic, Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2002), LNCS 2495, pp.231--236, Springer,
Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: A Linear Temporal Logic with Clocks for Verification of Real-Time
Systems (in Chinese). Journal of Software, Vol.13, No.1, 33--41, 2002.
Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: Model Checking of Real-Time Systems in Linear Temporal Logic with Clocks (in Chinese), Journal of
Software, Vol.13, No.2, 193--201, 2002.
Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: A Linear Temporal Logic with Continuous Semantics for Hybrid Systems. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (ICS'2000)/ the
16th IFIP World Computer Congress, 395--402, Beijing, August, 2000.
Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: Formalization and Verification of Pointers in the Temporal Logic
Language XYZ/E Programs. Journal of Software, Vol.11, No.3, 285--292, 2000.
Li Guangyuan and Tang Zhisong: The Composability Problem of the Semantics of XYZ/BE-Communicating
Processes. Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.12, Suppl. 61--69,
May, 1999.
Li Xiang, Li Guangyuan and
Song Ronggong: A Programming Version of
Blum-Shub-Smale Machine and
R.E. Sets of Real Number. Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research, Vol.5, No 2,
133--139, 1998.
Li Guangyuan and Li Xiang: Nonmonotonic Belief Logic NBL
and Semantics of Logic Programs. Chinese Journal of Advanced Software
Research, Vol.4, No 3, 239--246, 1997.
Li Guangyuan, Fu Jizhong, Li Xiang and Long Sigong: A Local Search Algorithm
with Heuristic Information for SAT Problems (in Chinese). Tech Rep. No.
ISCAS-LCS-96-3, Laboratory of computer science, Institute of software, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, 1996.
Li Xiang, Li Guangyuan and
Song Ronggong: The Study on the Computation
Theory over Ordered Rings and Fields (Abstract)
. Notices, AMS, 11,1995.
Li Guangyuan: Nonmonotonic Belief Logic NBL
and Default Logic (in Chinese). In: "Proceedings of CAAI'94,
Hangzhou, November, 1994", Zhejiang University
Press, 1994.
Li Xiang and Li Guangyuan: On the Relationships between
Approximate and Probabilistic Complexity Classes. Science in China, Vol.37,
No.2, 247--256, 1994.
Li Xiang and Li Guangyuan: A 3-values Logic with Strong
and Weak Negations (in Chinese). Chinese Theoretical Computer Science, Vol
2, 65--82, 1994.
Li Guangyuan:Some Model-theoretic
Results for Three-valued Logic TL. In "Chinese Annals of Pure &
Applied Logic,1(1989), edited by Zhang Jinwen ", Peking University Press, 1992.
Li Xiang and Li Guangyuan: Medium Logic and Woodruff's
Three-Valued Logic. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 35, 8, 622--626, 1990
Li Guangyuan and Li Xiang: Soundness and Completeness
for "Medium Logic" ME* (in Chinese). Journal of Guizhou University ( Natural
Science), Vol.6, No.4, 193--200, 1989.
Li Xiang and Li Guangyuan: The Characterization Theorems
of "Medium Logic" (in Chinese). Kexue Tongbao (Science Bulletin), Vol.33, No.22, 1686--1689,
Continuous-Time Temporal Logic for Real-Time and Hybrid Systems (in Chinese). Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, 2001. [