You can get tool iDFOS here.
Install iDFOS
iDFOS is developed base on java language. Correct java environment is needed on your computer, please make sure that you have installed JDK already.
If you already download and unzip iDFOS tool, for example in "/home/...", you can use "java -jar /home/iDFOS/iDFOS.jar" to open GUI of this tool. Although this tool can run on both Windows and Linux, Linux operating system is recommended.
You can use most of functions in iDFOS if you configure java environment correctly. If you want to use functions in iDFOS which is integrated with other tool, you need to install other software packet.
1. If you want to use "optimalScheduling&Mapping" function, please download tool UPPAAL and tool UPPAAL CORA. Then put "verifyta" script according to your operating system in tool UPPAAL/UPPAAL CORA into "/exebinary/uppaal" and "/exebinary/uppaalCora" in iDFOS. If you want to use iDFOS in Windows, please rename the script with "winverifyta".
Directory Files Description
Model Function
1.Select "File->Open->open sdf file" option in menu bar.
2.Select Synchronous Dataflow Graphs model which is a xml format file, "/demo/addMultiply/addMultiplySDF.xml" in demo files for example.
3.Select "File-Open->open architecture file" option in menu bar.
4.Select execution model which is a xml format file, "/demo/addMultiply/addMultiplyArch.xml" in demo files for example.
Analysis, Optimal and Scheduling Function
1.Select "Model Processing" tab panel, all functions are listed in function tree.
2.Each node in function tree is corresponding to a function, "optimalScheduling&Mapping" for example.
3.Press the "Process" button to get analysis or optimal result, "optimalScheduling&Mapping" function result for example.
4.Press the "Get Schedule Gantt Graph" button to get schedule of optimal point.
1.Get more detailed user guide, please download tutorial file here.