合作交流 / 学术报告

Analyzing Semilinear and Upward-closed Sets of Petri Nets

Title: Analyzing Semilinear and Upward-closed Sets of Petri Nets
: Prof. Hsu-Chun Yen
Time: 3:00pm, Thursday, May.19
Venue: Lecture Room, Level 3 Building #5, Institute of Software, CAS

Abstract: Semilinearity plays a key role not only in formal languages but also in the study of Petri nets. It is known that the reachability set of a Petri net may not be semilinear in general. We develop sufficient conditions for Petri nets under which semilinearity is guaranteed. Our approach can be used for consolidating several existing semilinearity results as well as for deriving new results all under the same framework. We also develop a unified strategy for computing the sizes of the minimal elements of certain upward-closed sets associated with Petri nets.