合作交流 / 学术报告

Basics of Research Studies that They Don’t Teach You at the Graduate School

Title: Basics of Research Studies that They Don’t Teach You at the Graduate School
Speaker: Prof. T.H. Tse (The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong)
Time: 14:30, Thursday, October 25, 2012
Venue: Lecture Room, 3rd Floor, Building #5, State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
In this talk, we will help you to identify the the most important elements of research studies that they don’t teach you at the graduate school.  For example, what are the common mistakes that most graduate students make?  How should you really attack a research problem?  How should you really prepare your research proposal?  Should you publish journal papers or conference papers?  Are SCI and EI indexes really important?  What should you really do when attending conferences? When should you really start writing your thesis?  When should you really put into your thesis?  We hope you will learn more about the serious business of research studies while enjoying the talk.

Prof. T.H. Tse is a professor in computer science at The University of Hong Kong.  He received the PhD degree from the London School of Economics and was a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford. His current research interest is in program testing, debugging, and analysis.  He is the steering committee chair of QSIC and an editorial board member of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, the Journal of Systems and Software, Software: Practice and Experience, and the Journal of Universal Computer Science.  He is a fellow of the British Computer Society, a fellow of the Institute for the Management of Information Systems, a fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, and a fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.  He was awarded an MBE by The Queen of the United Kingdom.
More recently, he received best paper awards in COMPSAC 2008, COMPSAC 2009, and QSIC 2011, as well as a best teacher award from the Faculty of Engineering of The University of Hong Kong in 2012.