Journal 2016
- Hector M. Chavez,Wuwei Shen,Robert B. France,Benjamin A. Mechling,Guangyuan Li,An Approach to Checking Consistency between UML Class Model and Its Java Implementation,IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,”42, 4, 322 – 344″
- Lijun Zhang,David N. Jansen,A space-efficient simulation algorithm on probabilistic automata,Information and Computation,”249,138-159″
- Xinsong Yang,Lei Shi,Madelaine Daianu,Hanghang Tong,Qingsong Liu,Paul Thompson,Blockwise Human Brain Network Visual Comparison Using NodeTrix Representation,IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceeding of IEEE VIS/VAST’16),”23,1,181-190″
- Fusang Zhang,Hai Liu,Yiu-Wing Leung,Xiaowen Chu,Beihong Jin,CBS: Community-based Bus System as Routing Backbone for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,DOI:?10.1109/TMC.2016.2613869
- Yuqi Lin,Saif Malik,Kashif Bilal,Qiusong Yang,Yongji Wang,Designing and Modeling of Covert Channels in Operating Systems,IEEE Transactions on Computers,”65,6,1706-1719″
- Yan Cai,Qiong Lu,Dynamic Testing for Deadlocks via Constraints,IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering ,”42,9,825-842″
- John Fearnley,Markus N. Rabe,Sven Schewe,Lijun Zhang,Efficient approximation of optimal control for continuous-time Markov games,Information and Computation,”247,106-129?”
- Wencheng Wang, Panpan Xu, Xiaohui Bie,Miao Hua,Enhanced use of mattes for easy image composition,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,”25,10,4608-4616″
- Yi-Dong Shen ,Thomas Eiter,Evaluating epistemic negation in answer set programming,Artificial Intelligence,”237,115-135″
- Fei He,Xiaowei Gao,Miaofei Wang,Bow-Yaw Wan,Lijun Zhang,Learning Weighted Assumptions for Compositional Verification of Markov Decision Processes,ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology,”25,3,Article 21 (1-39)”
- Tianyong Wu,Jierui Liu,Zhenbo Xu,Chaorong Guo,Yanli Zhang,Jun Yan,Jian Zhang,”Light-weight, Inter-procedural and Callback-aware Resource Leak Detection for Android Apps”,IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,”42,11,1054-1076″
- George Barmpalias,Andy Lewis-Pye,Jason Teutsch,Lower bounds on the redundancy in computations from random oracles via betting strategies with restricted wagers,Information and Computation ,251, 287–300
- Jiaqi Zhu ,Kaijun Wang , Yunkun Wu,Zhongyi Hu ,Hongan Wang ,Mining User-Aware Rare Sequential Topic Patterns in Document Streams,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,”28,7,1790-1804″
- Xiang Hu,Li Jiao,Zhijia Li,Modeling and Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 DCF Using Coloured Petri Nets,The Computer Journal,”59,10,1563-1580″*
- Shuling Wang,Flemming Nielson,Hanne Riis Nielson,Naijun Zhan,Modelling and Verifying Communication Failure of Hybrid Systems in HCSP,The Computer Journal,DOI:
- Xue-Yang Zhu,Marc Geilen,Twan Basten,Sander Stuijk,Multi-Constraint Static Scheduling of Synchronous Dataflow Graphs via Retiming and Unfolding,IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
- Shaowei Cai,Chuan Luo,Jinkun Lin,Kaile Su,New local search methods for partial MaxSAT,Artificial Intelligence,
- Fu Song,Zhilin Wu,On temporal logics with data variable quantifications: decidability and complexity,Information and Computation,251,104–139
- George Barmpalias,Nan Fang,Andy Lewis-Pye,Optimal asymptotic bounds on the oracle use in computations from Chaitin’s Omega,Journal of Computer and System Sciences,”82,8,1283-1299″*
- Angsheng Li,Yicheng Pan,Structural Information and Dynamical Complexity of Networks,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,”62,6,3290-3339″
- Weifeng Wang,Li Jiao,Trace Abstraction Refinement for Solving Horn Clauses,The Computer Journal,”59, 8, 1236-1251″
- Lian Wen,Kewen Wang,Yi-Dong Shen, Fangzhen Lin ,A Model for Phase Transition of Random Answer-Set Programs,ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ,”17,3, 22 (1-34)”
- Jizu Huang,Chao Yang,Xiao-Chuan Cai,A Nonlinearly Preconditioned Inexact Newton Algorithm for Steady State Lattice Boltzmann Equations,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,”38,3,A1701-A1724″
- Haijian Yang,Chao Yang, Shuyu Sun,Active-Set Reduced-Space Methods with Nonlinear Elimination for Two-Phase Flow Problems in Porous Media,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,”38,4,B593-B618″
- Li Chen,Jing-Zheng Wu, Yin-Run Lv,Yong-Ji Wang,An Efficient Approach for Solving Optimization over Linear Arithmetic Constraints,Journal of Computer Science and Technology,”31,5,987-1011″
- Lu Lu,Fei Lyu,Feng Tian,Yineng Chen,Guozhong Dai,Hongan Wang,An exploratory study of multimodal interaction modeling based on neural computation,SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,”59,9,092106 (1-16)”
- Yong-Jin Liu, Cuixia Ma, Guozhen Zhao,Xiaolan Fu,Hongan Wang,Guozhong Dai,Lexing Xie?,An Interactive SpiralTape Video Summarization,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,”18,7,1269-1282″
- Junjie Wang,Qing Wang,Analyzing and predicting software integration bugs using network analysis on requirements dependency network,Requirements Engineering,”21,2,161-184″
- Liyun Dai, Ting Gan,Bican Xia,Naijun Zhan,Barrier certificate revisited,Journal of Symbolic Computation,”80,1,62–86″
- Jiwei Xu,Wenbo Zhang,Zhenyu Zhang,Tao Wang,Tao Huang,Clustering-based acceleration for virtual machine image deduplication in the cloud environment,Journal of Systems and Software,”121,144-156″
- Saddek Bensalem,Marius Bozga,Axel Legay,Thanh-Hung Nguyen,Joseph Sifakis,Rongjie Yan,Component-based verification using incremental design and invariants,Software and System Modeling ,”15,2,427-451″
- George Barmpalias,Andy Lewis-Pye,Computing halting probabilities from other halting probabilities,Theoretical Computer Science,660, 17,16–22
- Luis Mar??a Ferrer Fioriti,Vahid Hashemi,Holger Hermanns,Andrea Turrini,Deciding Probabilistic Automata Weak Bisimulation: Theory and Practice,Formal Aspects of Computing,”28,1,109-143″
- Huiyuan Li,Zhimin Zhang,Efficient spectral and spectral element methods for eigenvlaue problems of Schrodinger equations with an inverse square potential,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,”39, 1, A114–A140″
- Ming Xu,Lijun Zhang,David N. Jansen,Huibiao Zhu,Zongyuan Yang,Multiphase until formulas over Markov reward models: An algebraic approach,Theoretical Computer Science,”611,18,116-135″
- Yanfeng Wang,Wenling Wu,New criterion for diffusion property and applications to Improved GFS and EGFN,”Designs, Codes and Cryptography”,”81,3,393-412″
- Fusang Zhang,Beihong Jin,Zhaoyang Wang,Hai Liu,Jiafeng Hu,Lifeng Zhang,On Geocasting over Urban Bus based Networks by Mining Trajectories,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,”17,6,1734-1747″
- Jie Chen,Junchao Xiao,Qing Wang,Leon J. Osterweil,Mingshu Li,Perspectives on Refactoring Planning and Practice: An Empirical Study,Empirical Software Engineering,”21,3,1397-1436″
- George Barmpalias,Douglas Cenzer,Christopher P. Porter,Random numbers as probabilities of machine behaviour,Theoretical Computer Science,”673, 18,1–18″
- Lijie Yang,Tianchen Xu,Jixiang Du,Enhua Wu,Sketch-based Stroke Generation in Chinese Flower Painting,SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,”59, 079101(13)”
- Teng Long,Wenhui Zhang,Termination analysis with recursive calling graphs. ,Journal of Network and Computer Applications,”59,109-116″
- Weikun Shan,Huiyuan Li,The triangular spectral element method for Stokes eigenvalues,Mathematics of Computation,DOI: 10.1090/mcom/3173
- Cuixia Ma,Yong-Jin Liu,Guozhen Zhao,Hong-An Wang,Visualizing and Analyzing Video Content with Interactive Scalable Maps,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,”18,11,2171-2183″
- Tianhao Gao,Wencheng Wang,Honglei Han,Efficient view selection by measuring proxy information,Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds,”27,3-4,351-357″
- Wen-jing Ma,Kan Gao,Guo-ping Long,Highly Optimized Code Generation for Stencil Codes with Computation Reuse for GPUs ,Journal of Computer Science and Technology,”31,6,1262–1274″
- Hong Li,Enhua Wu,Wen Wu,Salient Region Detection via Unit Boundary Distribution and Energy Optimization,Multimedia Tools and Applications,”online, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-016-3691-9″
- Yiqun Liu,Chao Yang,Fangfang Liu,Xianyi Zhang,Yutong Lu,Yunfei Du,Canqun Yang,Min Xie,Xiangke Liao,623 Tflop/s HPCG run on Tianhe-2: Leveraging millions of hybrid cores,International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,”30,1,39-54″
- Angsheng Li,Yicheng Pan,A Theory of Network Security: Principles of Natural Selection and Combinatorics,Internet Mathematics,”12,3,145-204″
- Jiachang Sun,Chao Yang,Xiao-Chuan Cai,Algorithm Development for Extreme-Scale Computing,National Science Review,”3,1,26-27″
- Yanfeng Wang,Wenling Wu,Lei Zhang,Diffusion and Security Evaluation of Feistel-PG,Chinese Journal of Electronics,”25,1,598-603″
- Ji-Yao Chen,Zhengfeng Ji,Zheng-Xin Liu, Yi Shen,Bei Zeng,Geometry of reduced density matrices for symmetry-protected topological phases,Physical Review A,93
- Hengyan Wang,Wenqiang Zheng,Nengkun Yu,Keren Li,Dawei Lu,Tao Xin,Carson Li,Zhengfeng Ji,David Kribs,”Bei Zeng,Xinhua Peng, Jiangfeng Du”,Quantum state and process tomography via adaptive measurements,”Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy”,”59,10,100313″
- Angsheng Li,Qifu Hu,Jun Liu,Yicheng Pan,Resistance and Security Index of Networks: Structural Information Perspective of Network Security,Scientific Reports,”6,26810,”
- Fun-jun Liu,Hui-yuan Li,Zhong-qing Wang,Spectral methods using generalized Laguerre functions for second and fourth order problems,Numerical Algorithms,”online, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-016-0228-2″
- Angsheng Li, Xianchen Yin, Yicheng Pan,Three-Dimensional Gene Map of Cancer Cell Types: Structural Entropy Minimisation Principle for Defining Tumour Subtypes,Scientific Reports,”620,412″
- Dawei Lu,Tao Xin,Nengkun Yu,Zhengfeng Ji,Jianxin Chen,Guilu Long,Jonathan Baugh,Xinhua Peng,Bei Zeng,Raymond Laflamme,Tomography is necessary for universal entanglement detection with single-copy observables,Physical Review Letters,116
- George Barmpalias,Richard Elwes,Andy Lewis-Pye,Unperturbed Schelling Segregation in Two and Three Dimensions,Journal of Statistical Physics,”164,6,1460-1487″
- 吕荫润, 陈力, 王翀,吴敬征,王永吉,基于混合搜索的含逻辑“与”“或”的RM优化算法,软件学报,”online, DOI: 10.13328/j.cnki.jos.005133″
- 徐继伟, 张文博, 魏峻, 钟华, 黄涛,一种基于聚类分组的虚拟机镜像去冗余方法,软件学报,”27,2,466-480″
- 徐继伟, 张文博, 王焘, 黄涛,一种基于遗传算法的虚拟机镜像自适应备份策略,计算机学报,”39,2,351-362″
- 郭洋,马翠霞,滕东兴,杨祎,王宏安,运动目标三维轨迹可视化与关联分析方法,软件学报,”27,5,1151?1162″
- 王德鑫,王青,贺劼,基于证据的软件过程可信度模型及评估方法,软件学报,”online,DOI: doi: 10.13328/j.cnki.jos.005102″
- 胡洁,王青,一种软件特征模型扩展和演化分析方法,软件学报,”27,5,1212-1229″
- 杨波, 冯登国,秦宇,张英骏,基于 TrustZone 的可信移动终端云服务安全接入方案,软件学报,”27,6,1366?1386″
- Nafei Zhu,Min Zhang,Dengguo Feng,How Well?Can?WordNet?Measure?Privacy:A?Comparative?Study,International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems,accepted
- 朱雪阳,基于模型的嵌入式系统性能分析框架,软件学报,”27suppl2,328-335″
- 王丹丹,王青,基于演化数据的软件缺陷预测性能改进,软件学报,”27.12, 3014-3029″