SETTA 2021

Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering

Theories, Tools and Applications

Beijing, China, Nov. 25-27, 2021

RWTH Aachen University
Radboud University
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

All times are given in Beijing time (UTC+08:00)

Day 1 (November 25, 2021)

14:50 – 15:00
15:00 – 16:15
Session 1: Systems development (chair: Lei Bu)
15:00 – 15:25
Translating a Large Subset of Stateflow to Hybrid CSP with Code Optimization
Panhua Guo, Bohua Zhan, Xiong Xu, Shuling Wang and Wenhui Sun
15:25 – 15:50
DeepGlobal: A Global Robustness Verifiable FNN Framework
Weidi Sun, Yuteng Lu, Xiyue Zhang and Meng Sun
15:50 – 16:15
Leveraging Event-B Theories for handling domain knowledge in design models
Ismail Mendil, Yamine Ait Ameur, Neeraj Kumar Singh, Dominique Mery and Philippe Palanque
16:15 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:30
Keynote I (chair: Naijun Zhan)
17:30 – 18:30
18:30 – 20:10
Session 2: Program Analysis and Verification (chair: Dominique Mery)
18:30 – 18:55
Reasoning about Iteration and Recursion Uniformly based on Big-step Semantics
Ximeng Li, Qianying Zhang, Guohui Wang, Zhiping Shi and Yong Guan
19:20 – 19:45
Formal Analysis of 5G AKMA
Tengshun Yang, Shuling Wang, Bohua Zhan, Naijun Zhan, Jinghui Li, Shuangqing Xiang, Zhan Xiang and Bifei Mao
19:45 – 20:10
20:10 – 20:30
20:30 – 21:45
JCST Journal First Paper Track I: Logics and Semantics (chair: Jun Sun)
20:30 – 20:55
A Multi-Agent Spatial Logic for Scenario-based Decision Modeling and Verification in Platoon Systems
Jing-Wen Xu, Yan-Hong Huang, Jian-Qi Shi and Sheng-Chao Qin
20:55 – 21:20
Trace Semantics and Algebraic Laws for Total Store Order Memory Model
Li-Li Xiao, Hui-Biao Zhu1 and Qi-Wen Xu
21:20 – 21:45
Event-Based Semantics of UML 2.X Concurrent Sequence Diagrams for Formal Verification
Ines Mouakher, Fatma Dhaou Fatma and J. Christian Attiogbé

Day 2 (November 26, 2021)

15:00 – 16:15
Session 3: Testing and Fault Detection (chair: Chenyi Zhang)
15:00 – 15:25
Mutation Testing of Reinforcement Learning Systems
Yuteng Lu, Weidi Sun and Meng Sun
15:25 – 15:50
AIdetectorX: A Vulnerability Detector based on TCN and Self-Attention Mechanism
Jinfu Chen, Bo Liu, Saihua Cai, Weijia Wang and Shengran Wang
15:50 – 16:15
MC/DC Test Cases Generation based on BDDs
Faustin Ahishakiye, Jose Ignacio Requeno Jarabo, Lars Michael Kristensen and Volker Stolz
16:15 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:30
Keynote II (chair: Yu-Fang Chen)
17:30 – 18:30
18:30 – 19:45
Session 4: Software Quality (chair: Zhenbang Chen)
18:30 – 18:55
Predicting and Monitoring Bug-proneness at The Feature Level
Shaozhi Wei, Ran Mo, Pu Xiong, Siyuan Zhang, Yang Zhao and Zengyang Li
18:55 – 19:20
19:20 – 19:45
A Distributed Simplex Architecture for Multi-Agent Systems
Usama Mehmood, Scott Stoller, Radu Grosu, Shouvik Roy, Amol Damare and Scott Smolka
19:45 – 20:00
20:00 – 21:15
JCST Journal First Paper Track II: Testing and Fault Detection (chair: Meng Sun)
20:00 – 20:25
MEBS: Uncovering Memory Life-cycle Bugs in Operating System Kernels
Gen Zhang, Peng-Fei Wang, Tai Yue, Xu Zhou, and Kai Lu
20:25 – 20:50
20:50 – 21:15
DeltaFuzz: Historical Version Information-Guided Fuzz Testing
Jia-Ming Zhang, Zhan-Qi Cui, Xiang Chen, Huan-Huan Wu, Li-Wei Zheng and Jian-Bin Liu

Day 3 (November 27, 2021)

15:00 – 16:15
Session 5: Satisfiability, Reachability and Model Checking (chair: Taolue Chen)
15:25 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:15
API Usage Pattern Search Based on Model Checking
Xueer Ding, Jun Niu and Jia Wang
16:15 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:30
Keynote III (chair: Fei He)
17:30 – 18:30
18:30 – 20:10
JCST Journal First Paper Track III: Verification and Software Quality (chair: Bohua Zhan)
18:30 – 18:55
Symbolic Reasoning about Quantum Circuits in Coq
Wen-Jun Shi, Qin-Xiang Cao, Yu-Xin Deng, Han-Ru Jiang and Yuan Feng
18:55 – 19:20
19:20 – 19:45
Verification of RTOS Exception Management based on SPARCv
Zhi Ma, Lei Qiao, Meng-Fei Yang, Shao-Feng Li and Jin-Kun Zhang
19:45 – 20:10
HRPDF: A Software-Based Heterogeneous Redundant Proactive Defense Framework for PLC
Ke Liu, Jing-Yi Wang, Qiang Wei, Zhen-Yong Zhang, Jun Sun, Rong-Kuan Ma and Rui-Long Deng
20:10 – 20:20

Prof. Joost-Pieter Katoen: Mechanically Finding the Right Probabilities in Markov Models

Markov chains are central in performance and dependability analysis, whereas Markov decision processes are key in stochastic decision making and planning in AI. A standard assumption in these models is that all probabilities are precisely known a priori. In many cases, this assumption is too severe. System quantities such as component fault rates, molecule reaction rates, packet loss ratios, etc. are often not, or at best partially, known.

This talk surveys the analysis of parametric Markov models whose transitions are labelled with functions over a finite set of parameters. These models are symbolic representations of uncountably many concrete probabilistic models, each obtained by instantiating the parameters.

We consider various analysis problems for a given logical specification φ: do all parameter instantiations within a given region of parameter values satisfy φ?, which instantiations satisfy φ and which ones do not?, and how can all such instantiations be characterised, either exactly or approximately?

We address theoretical complexity results and describe the main ideas underlying state-of-the-art algorithms that established an impressive leap over the last decade enabling the fully automated analysis of models with millions of states and thousands of parameters. Examples from distributed computing, satellites and AI illustrate the applicability of these parameter synthesis techniques.

Prof. Frits Vaandrager: A New Approach for Active Automata Learning Based on Apartness

We present L#, a new and simple approach to active automata learning. Instead of focusing on equivalence of observations, like the Last algorithm and its descendants, L# takes a different perspective: it tries to establish apartness, a constructive form of inequality. L# does not require auxiliary notions such as observation tables or discrimination trees, but operates directly on tree-shaped automata. L# has the same asymptotic query and symbol complexities as the best existing learning algorithms, but we show that adaptive distinguishing sequences can be naturally integrated to boost the performance of L# in practice. Experiments with a prototype implementation, written in Rust, suggest that L# outperforms existing algorithms.
(Joint work with Bharat Garhewal, Jurriaan Rot & Thorsten Wissmann.)

Prof. Charles Zhang: Enterprise-Scale Static Analysis: A Pinpoint Experience

Despite years of research and practice, modern static analysis techniques still cannot detect oldest and extremely well understood software bugs such as the Heartbleed, one of the most "spectacular" security flaws of the recent decade. A remedy, as what we have attempted through the successful commercialization of the Pinpoint platform (PLDI 18), is to make static program analysis aware of the basic characteristics of the modern enterprise-scale software system. The talk focuses on discussing these characteristics and how Pinpoint addresses them pragmatically as well as its future directions. Pinpoint is a LLVM-based cross-language static analysis platform and deployed in major Chinese tech companies such as Tencent, Baidu, Huawei, and Alibaba.