- Efficient Query Answering over Ontologies2008-04-21
- Model-Based Validation of QoS Properties of Biomedical Sensor Netwroks2008-03-31
- Tool supported real-time system verification techniques based on abstraction/deduction and model checking2008-03-28
- Formal Model Driven Design2008-03-28
- Formalisation and Verification in a Type-theoretic Framework2007-12-11
- Programming with Transactional Memory2007-12-10
- A Pointer Logic for Object Diagrams2007-10-29
- An invitation to Quantum Information Theory2007-09-20
- Modeling and Design of Embedded Systems2007-09-17
- An Introduction to Core-sets and Discrete Frechet Distance2007-08-20
- Controller Synthesis for Real-Time Systems2007-08-15
- On the limitations of finite state models as sources of tests for access control and authentication2007-07-26
- Compositional Verification of Timed Systems2007-06-27
- Modelling and Refinement of Component-based Software Systems: A Coalgebraic Perspective2007-06-26
- CTL/ACTL Model Update: The Model Explosion Problem and Counterexample Guided Update2007-06-12
- A process calculus for Specifying Service Level Agreements and Resource Allocation2007-06-04
- Latent Tree Models and Statistical Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine2007-05-30
- Implementation of Distributed Loop Scheduling Schemes on the TeraGrid2007-05-21
- Building Certified System Software: Are We Close?2007-04-26
- Semantics of BPEL4WS-like Fault and Compensation Handling2007-03-22