SETTA 2020
Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering
Theories, Tools and Applications
Guangzhou, China, November 24-28, 2020
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Requirements specification and analysis
- Formalisms for modeling, design and implementation
- Model checking, theorem proving, and decision procedures
- Scalable approaches to formal system analysis
- Formal approaches to simulation, run-time verification, and testing
- Integration of formal methods into software engineering practice
- Contract-based engineering of components, systems, and systems of systems
- Formal and engineering aspects of software evolution and maintenance
- Parallel and multicore programming
- Embedded, real-time, hybrid, probabilistic, and cyber-physical systems
- Mixed-critical applications and systems
- Formal aspects of service-oriented and cloud computing
- Safety, reliability, robustness, and fault-tolerance
- Dependability of smart software and systems
- Empirical analysis techniques and integration with formal methods
- Applications and industrial experience reports
- Software tools to assist the construction or analysis of software systems
Research papers will be published in the SETTA 2020 proceedings as a volume in Springer's LNCS series. Papers should be submitted electronically through the EasyChair submission web page https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=setta2020.
Important Dates
Abstract & Paper Submission: July 4 July 31, 2020 (AoE)
Notification to authors: September 5, 2020 (AoE)
Camera-ready versions: September 22, 2020 (AoE)
Conference date: November 24-26, 2020
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit papers on original research, industrial applications, or position papers proposing challenges in fundamental research and technology. The latter two types of submissions are expected to contribute to the development of formal methods and applications thereof in software engineering. This is done by either substantiating the advantages of integrating formal methods into the development cycle or through delineating the need for research by demonstrating weaknesses of existing technologies, especially when addressing new application domains.
Submissions can take the form of either regular or short papers. Regular papers should not exceed 16 pages (excluding references) in LNCS format. Short papers can discuss ongoing research at an early stage, including PhD projects. Short papers should not exceed 6 pages (excluding references) in LNCS format.
This year, we will also organise a special session on Artificial Intelligence Meets Formal Methods (AI+FM), in order to provide a platform for experts of both AI and FM, from both the academia and the industry, to discuss important research problems across these two areas, for example, how to apply AI to improve the performance of FM methods and how to apply FM to improve the robustness, safety and security of AI systems.
Extended abstracts of the accepted papers in this session will be published in the conference proceedings (a volume in Springer's LNCS series). Full versions of a few accepted papers, to be selected by the program committee, will be invited for submission to a special theme of the journal Formal Aspects of Computing (FAOC).
Please refer to the CFP document for details. When submitting the paper, please select "S.I.: Formal Methods and AI" as the article type. Further requirements:
- request editor -- select "Guest Editors of S.I.: Formal Methods of Computing, Guest Editor";
- questionnaire -- fill in "Jim Woodcock".
Important Dates
Manuscript submission: August 15 September 12, 2020 (AoE)
Notification to authors: October 15, 2020 (AoE)
Publication date: December 31, 2020 (AoE)
Conference date: November 24-26, 2020
The journal first papers track of SETTA 2020 is implemented in partnership with the Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST). Accepted papers to this track will be presented and discussed at the conference SETTA 2020. Papers should be submitted electronically through the journal's submission web page https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jcst.
Important Dates
Paper Submission: March 27 April 10, 2020 (AoE)
Tentative acceptance decision: May 18, 2020
Acceptance decision: June 30, 2020
Conference date: November 24-26, 2020
Submission Guidelines
To submit to this track, authors have to make a journal submission to the Journal of Computer Science and Technology, and select the type of submission to be for the SETTA 2020 special issue. It is recommended that submitted papers follow the submission guidelines of JCST https://www.springer.com/journal/11390/submission-guidelines and do not exceed 15 pages (20 pages of the template) including references. All submissions must be done electronically through JCST's e-submission system at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jcst, with manuscript type: "Special Section on Software Systems 2020". In the cover letter, please indicate that the submission is intended to the special theme on "Dependable Software Engineering".