Dr. Bai Xue

Room 215, Building 5
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
No. 4, South Fourth Street, Zhong Guan Cun
Beijing, China 100190
Email: xuebai@ios.ac.cn
Phone: +86-10-6266-1624
Homepage[Chinsese]: http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~xuebai

I am a research professor at State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) since September 2021.

I received the B.Sc. degree in information and computing science from Tianjin University of Technology and Education in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from Beihang University in 2014. Prior to joining Institute of Software as an associate research professor in November 2017, I worked as a research fellow in the Centre for High Performance Embedded Systems at Nanyang Technological University from May, 2014 to September, 2015, and as a postdoc in the Department füer Informatik at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg from November, 2015 to October, 2017.

Dec. 19, 2022

Our prototyping tool PyBDR, which implements ourset-boundary reachability method, is online!

Research Interests
My research interests mainly involve, but are not limited to,
  • Formal Verification of (Time-delay/Stochastic) Hybrid Systems
  • Formal Verification of Artificial Intelligence
  • Professional Activities
  • IEEE ITSC 2024, Associate Editor (Regular Papers)
  • RTCSA 2024, PC Member
  • ATVA 2024, PC Member
  • HSCC 2024, PC Member
  • AAAI 202424, PC Member
  • AAAI-24 SRRAI, PC Member
  • HSCC 2023, PC Member
  • AAAI 2023, PC Member
  • SETTA 2022, PC Member
  • RADAS 2021, PC Member
  • HSCC 2022, PC Member
  • CCF Chinasoft 2021 FMAC, PC Member
  • CCF Chinasoft 2021 AVIS, PC Member
  • SETTA 2021, PC Member
  • MEMOCODE 2021, Publicity Chair
  • EMSOFT 2021, PC Member
  • AAAI 2021, PC Member
  • HSCC 2021, PC Member
  • CCF TCFM, Committee member
  • CCF Computing History, Committee member
  • EMSOFT 2020, PC Member
  • HSCC 2020, POSTER/DEMO PC Memmber
  • ICCPS 2020, Publicity Chair(Asia)
  • EMSOFT 2019, PC Member
  • MEMOCODE 2019, Publicity Chair
  • EMSOFT 2018, WiP Committee Member
  • SSFM 2018/2019(Summer School on Formal Methods), Local Organizer
  • Projects
  • Trustworthy AI Algorithms under Open Environment(CAS Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research, 2022.8--2027.7)
  • Formal Verification of Task-driven Robotic Hybrid Systems (CCF-Huawei Formal Methods Innovation Research Funding, 2021--2022)
  • Trust to Train and Train to Trust: Agent Training Programs for Safety-Critical Environments (Singapore Ministry of Education)(with NUS, NTU, SMU, 2021--2025)
  • Safety Assurance for Machine Learning in CPS (Singapore Ministry of Education)(with NTU, Singapore and ASU, USA, 2020--2023)
  • Formal Verification of Delayed Dynamical Systems and Hybrid Systems(National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019--2022)
  • A Human-like Task Palnning, Reasoning and Verification System Research and Applications(National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019--2023)
  • Group Members
  • Shengchao He (Post-doc)
  • Dejin Ren (PhD student)
  • Yiling Xue (PhD student)
  • Taoran Wu (Master student)
  • Chenyu Wu (Master student)
  • Yonghan Li (Master student)
  • Jingduo Pan (Master student)
  • Wei Li (Master student)
  • Shuyuan Zhang(Visiting Scholar)
  • Wanli Lu(Visiting Scholar)
  • Mian Kong (Visiting Scholar)
  • Alumni
  • Renjue Li (PhD student supervised by Prof. Lijun Zhang in ISCAS)
  • Changyuan Zhao (PhD student, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • Jianqiang Ding (PhD student, Aalto University, Finland)
  • Zhen Liang (PhD student, National University of Defense Technology, China)