Selected Publications
Jianqiang Ding, Taoran Wu, Yuping Qian, Lijun Zhang, Shankar A. Deka, Bai Xue. Provable Reach-avoid Controllers Synthesis Based on Inner-approximating Controlled Reach-avoid Sets. In the Proc. of Colloquium on Design and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Applications, Festschrift of Prof. Martin Fränzle's 60th birthday, 2025. Abstract PDF
Bai Xue, Peter Nazier Mosaad, Martin Fränzle, Mingshuai Chen, Yangjia Li and Naijun Zhan. Safe Over- and Under-Approximation of Reachable Sets for Delay Differential Equations. FORMATS 2017: 281--299, 2017. Abstract PDF(Revised Version)
Pengfei Yang, Renjue Li, Jianlin Li, Cheng-Chao Huang, Jingyi Wang, Jun Sun, Bai Xue and Lijun Zhang. Improving Neural Network Verification through Spurious Region Guided Refinement. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems(TACAS 2021), 2021. Abstract PDF
Bohua Zhan, Bin Gu, Xiong Xu, Xiangyu Jin, Shuling Wang Bai Xue, Xiaofeng Li, Yao Chen, Mengfei Yang and Naijun Zhan. Brief Industry Paper: Modeling and Verification of Descent Guidance Control of Mars Lander. In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2021), 2021. Abstract PDF
Shuyuan Zhang, Lei Wang, Haihui Wang and Bai Xue. Consensus Control for Heterogeneous Multi-vehicle Systems: An Iterative Learning Approach. To appear in [Special Issue: Adaptive Learning and Control for Autonomous Vehicles] in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 32(12): 5356-5368, 2021. Abstract PDF