吴恩华 |
- 题目:Physically & Biologically Based Simulation to Time-Varying Natural Objects
- 10th ACM Conf. on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI 2011), 香港, 2011
- 第四届全国教育游戏与虚拟现实学术会议, 北京, 2010
- 题目:Realistic Presentation vs. Real Time Rendering of Natural Environments
- 2nd IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia Information Network and Security (MINES 2010), 江苏南京, 2010
- 题目:Simulation of Mixtures with Multiple Fluids
- ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2010), 香港, 2010
- 第6届智能CAD与数字娱乐学术会议, 山东泰安, 2009
- 题目:Time-Varying Simulation of Natural Objects
- Sixth International Conference on Computer Graphics,Imaging and Visualization (CGIV 2009), 天津, 2009
- 题目:Physically Based Weathering Simulation of Natural Objects Based on Biological Analysis
- WSCG2012 (20th Inter. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision).,捷克 比尔森,2012
- 题目:Real Time Dynamics in Comprehensive 3D Environments Assisted with Image Based Solution
- IEEE ICALIP2012(3rd Inter. Conf. of IEEE/IET on Audio, Language and Image Processing, IEEE CIS Shanghai Chapter, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association,上海,2012/7/16
- 题目:Simulation of Various Interactions in Fluid Dynamics
- CGIV2013 (10th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization,澳门,2013/8/6
- 题目:Interactions in Fluid Dynamics Simulation
- ICVRV2013 & CCVRV2013 (第13届虚拟现实年会及第4届虚拟现实与可视化国际会议;3th International Conf. on Virtual Reality and Visualization, & 13th National Conference on VR and Visualization, co-sponsored by CCF-VIS & VR Committee and CAIG-VR Committee & CSS VR Application Committee),西安,2013/9/14
- 题目:Real-time Generation of Ink-Wash Stylistic Rendering from Comprehensive Graphics Animations
- ICVRV2014 & CCVRV2014 (第14届虚拟现实年会及第4届虚拟现实与可视化国际会议;4th International Conf. on Virtual Reality and Visualization, & 14th National Conference on VR and Visualization, co-sponsored by CCF-VIS & VR Committee and CAIG-VR Committee),沈阳,2014/8/30
张健 |
- 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Mining, 四川成都, 2010
- 题目:Constraint-Based Reasoning in Static Analysis and Testing
- SERE (SSIRI) 2014,美国,2014.7.1
- 题目:Automated Software Analysis and Testing Based on Constraint Solving and Optimization
- [pas 2012 ],北京,2012