- [07.09]-慕课中的故事化学习法:双城记2019-07-04
- [07.09]-Augmenting Stream Constraint Programming with Eventuality Conditions2019-07-04
- [07.03]-Formal Proofs of Tarjan’s Strongly Connected Components Algorithm in Why3, Coq and Isabelle2019-07-02
- [07.05]-Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems: Dream or Reality?2019-07-02
- Classification Program for Counting Problems2019-06-11
- The mCRL2 behavioural specification language and tools, including new developments2019-05-28
- Symbolic semantics for Open Systems and their Bisimulation algorithms2019-05-14
- 联系我们2019-03-14
- 博士后2019-03-14
- 科研人员2019-03-14
- 特邀报告2019-03-14
- 学术专著2019-03-14
- 2019年开放课题申请工作正式开始2019-01-29
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- 张健研究员当选CCF会士2019-01-21
- 量子软件团队推出国际首个量子程序证明工具2019-01-11
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- 国家重点研发计划“量子程序设计理论、方法与工具”项目启动会暨实施方案论证会顺利召开2018-10-18
- 软件所成功举办“量子软件:从理论到实现”研讨会2018-10-16
- 实验室成功举办并发理论与形式化验证联合大会(CONFESTA 2018)2018-09-16