- 2014-12-29不可行路径片段制导的线性混成自动机有界可达性检验及全局性质推导
- 2014-12-09Practical Concurrent and Parallel Programming
- 2014-12-09Communicating Transactions (a Survey)
- 2014-12-03Fast sheet-defined functions in spreadsheets
- 2014-12-01Abstraction-based Computation of Reward Measures for Markov Automata
- 2014-11-24Quantum simulation: challenges and opportunities
- 2014-11-24Probabilistic Termination
- 2014-11-13Efficient Data Structures and Sorting Algorithms for Bisimulation
- 2014-10-29云服务集成中的安全问题,以及程序分析技术在这一领域的潜力(Security Problems in Cloud Services Integration, and the Potential of Program Analysis Technologies in This Field)
- 2014-10-24Full Abstraction for a Probabilistic Functional Programming Language
- 2014-10-08对缺陷静态检测的一些思考和探索(Thoughts and Explorations on Static Detection of (Software) Defects)
- 2014-10-08硬件辅助的软件可信性运行时检测技术(Hardware-assisted Runtime Verification of Software Trustworthiness)
- 2014-09-05INTrEPID: A project on energy optimization in buildings
- 2014-09-05A Safety-Critical Java Technology Compatibility Kit
- 2014-08-21Querying Big Data: Theory and Practice
- 2014-08-13Formal Semantics in Modern Type Theories: Is It Model-theoretic, Proof-theoretic, or Both?
- 2014-07-18Reusable tools for formal modeling of machine code
- 2014-07-08Some Problems in Software Safety
- 2014-06-30An Efficient Model Checking Algorithm of FG-LTL
- 2014-06-25Seminars on 30th June 2014 by Hanghang Tong et al.