- 2014-06-23Rabin’s Theorem in the Concurrency Setting: A Conjecture
- 2014-06-05Program Structure-Aware Fault Localization
- 2014-06-03Intuitive Termination Proofs
- 2014-04-16Automatic Verification of Message-Passing Concurrency
- 2014-04-15An Algebraic Regular Parser Generator
- 2014-04-14How to Treat Evolutionary Algorithms as Ordinary Randomized Algorithms
- 2014-04-04NP-Complete Problems and Special Bipartite Graphs
- 2014-04-04Recent Progresses in Local Search for SAT
- 2014-03-14Model-Checking for Malware Detection
- 2014-03-13Handcrafted Coq Inversions Made Operational on Operational Semantics
- 2014-03-03Validity Check of Putback Transformations in Bidirectional Programming
- 2013-12-17Proofs, upside down: a functional correspondence between natural deduction and the sequent calculus
- 2013-11-26When is a formula invariant?
- 2013-11-21Towards model checking the hardware description language BSV
- 2013-11-18Rule Formats for Structural Operational Semantics: A Very Short Introduction
- 2013-11-14Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms for Verified Computations
- 2013-11-11Modular Construction of Shape-Numeric Analyzers
- 2013-10-25Small Bug, Big Bang
- 2013-10-24The Parameterized Complexity of Counting k-Matchings
- 2013-10-11Automatic Generation of Program Invariants from Traces