【08-05】 Building the Theory Foundation for Real-Time Robotic Operating System (ROS)
Title: Building the Theory Foundation for Real-Time Robotic Operating System (ROS)
Speaker: Prof. Nan Guan, City University of Hong Kong
Time: 10:00am, August 5, Saturday
Venue: Seminar Room 334, Building 5, Software Park, or on-line via Tencent meeting at 689 670 264
Abstract: ROS (Robot Operating System) is currently the most popular framework for robotic software development. In its 10-years history, ROS has been used by hundreds of thousands of developers to power a large number and different types of robotic systems. The philosophy behind ROS architecture is facilitating software modularity and composability, so non-expert developers can quickly build robotic software with sophisticated functionalities by reusing existing packages. Robotic software is typically subject to timing constraints, to match the inherent dynamics of physical objects and the environment. In this talk, I will identify some theoretical and practical challenges in building real-time software on ROS, and introduce some of our recent work on building the theoretical foundation and improving the real-time performance of ROS.
Bio: 关楠,香港城市大学副教授,瑞典乌普萨拉大学博士,研究方向为嵌入式实时系统。于2020年获得ACM SIGBED青年研究者奖(ACM SIGBED Early Career Researcher Award),于2014年获得欧洲设计自动化学会EDAA杰出博士论文奖,获得RTSS‘22杰出论文奖,EMSOFT’20最佳论文奖,RTSS‘19杰出论文奖,ISORC‘19最佳论文奖,e-Energy‘18最佳论文奖,DATE‘13最佳论文奖,RTSS‘09最佳论文奖。任RTAS 2022 General Chair,RTAS 2021 Program Chair,EMSOFT 2015 Program Co-Chair. IEEE实时系统技术委员会TCRTS执行委员会委员。