The Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) was founded in 1993 as a department of Institute of Software, upgraded to a Key Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1994, and further upgraded to a State Key Laboratory in 2007.
The research work of SKLCS focus on the theoretical aspects of computer science and software technologies. Specifically, the research work of SKLCS include the followng four themes.
Theories and Applications of Concurrent and Real-Time Systems
Theories and applications of concurrent and real-time systems is the field of computer science that studies the computing phenomena with the characteristics of concurrency, real-time and mobility. Like other areas in computer science, theories and application of concurrent and real-time systems span a wide range of theoretical and applied subjects. On the theory side, we mainly concentrate on different approaches to the modeling, analysis and design of concurrent and real-time systems, including algebra based, logic based, automata based and so on. On the application side, we focus on inventing new techniques based on new theories to solve lots of problems met in software development, network, life sciences, etc.
Principles of Software Technology
Our research in this area focuses on theories and methodologies for the analysis and development of software, as well as techniques for the quality of software. It encompasses a broad range of subjects, from formal models, testing and verification of concurrent and sequential programs, software middleware, to software process and quality measurement and assurance.
Computer Graphics and Human Computer Interaction
In Computer Graphics, we focus on realistic image synthesis, real time rendering of large and complex virtual environments, information representation and imaging, and physically-based animation. In Human Computer Interaction, we are interested in investigation on natural interaction between users and computers, especially ink understanding, multimodal and context-aware interaction.
Parallel Algorithm and Parallel Software
Our research in this area focuses on parallel algorithms and parallel software development, large-scale parallel numerical simulation, parallel computational models, non-numerical parallel computing, huge volume data parallel processing, new high performance algorithms, performance optimization, and performance evaluation and benchmarking of HPC.