Xu, P. Lu, H. Chen. Towards an effective syntax and a generator for
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Li, H. Chen, X. Zhang, L. Zhang. An effective algorithm for learning single
occurrence regular expressions with interleaving. Proceedings of the 23rd
International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2019),
Li, X. Zhang, J. Cao, H. Chen, and C. Gao. Learning $k$-occurrence regular
expressions with interleaving. The 24th International Conference on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2019), LNCS 11447, pp. 70–85, 2019.
Li, C. Dong, X. Chu, and H. Chen. Learning DMEs from positive and negative
examples. The 24th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced
Applications (DASFAA 2019), LNCS 11448, pp. 434–438, 2019.
Chen, Y. Li, C. Dong, X. Chu, X. Mou, and W. Min. A large-scale repository of
deterministic regular expression patterns and its applications. The 23rd
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2019),
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Dong, Y. Li, X. Mou, and H. Chen. Learning restricted regular expressions with
interleaving. 45th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and
Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2019), SRF, pp.13-24, 2019.
Li, X. Mou, X. Zhang and H. Chen. Learning
concise Relax NG schemas supporting interleaving from XML documents. The 14th
Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2018), LNAI 11323, pp. 303–317,
Chen, P. Lu, Z. Xu. Towards an Effective Syntax for
Deterministic Regular Expressions. Technical Report, ISCAS-SKLCS-18-02, February
2018.Y. Li, X. Chu and H. Chen. Harvesting and analyzing large-scale real world
data from the Web. Technical Report, ISCAS-SKLCS-18-01, Sept. 2018.
Li, X. Zhang, H. Xu, X. Mou, H. Chen. Learning restricted regular expressions
with interleaving from XML data. The 37th International Conference on
Conceptual Modeling (ER 2018), LNCS 11157, pp. 586–593, 2018.
Wang and H. Chen. Inferring Deterministic Regular Expression with Counting. The
37th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2018), LNCS 11157, pp.
184–199, 2018.
Zhang, Y. Li, F. Tian, F. Cui, C. Dong, H. Chen. Inferring Regular Expressions
with Interleaving from XML Data. APWEB-WAIM 2018, LNCS 10988, pp. 44–52, 2018.
Li, X. Chu, X. Mou, C. Dong, H. Chen. Practical Study of Deterministic Regular
Expressions from Large-scale XML and Schema Data. Proceedings of the 22nd
International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2018),
pp. 45-53.
Zhang, Y. Li, F. Cui, C. Dong, H. Chen. Inference of
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Lu, Z. Wu, and H. Chen. The complexity of SORE-definability problems. 42nd
International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS
2017). Editors: Kim G. Larsen, Hans L. Bodlaender, and Jean-Francois Raskin;
Article No. 22; pp. 22:1-22:15.
· H. Chen, P. Lu. Derivatives and Finite Automata of Expressions in Star Normal Form. The 11th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2017), LNCS 10168, 236-248, 2017.
· H. Chen, M. Ionescu, A. Pӑunc, Gh. Pӑun. On trace languages generated by (small) spiking neural P systems. Theoretical Computer Science 682 (2017) , 57-66.
· Y. Li, X. Zhang, F. Peng, H. Chen. Practical Study of Subclasses of Regular Expressions in DTD and XML Schema. APWeb 2016, Part II, LNCS 9932, 368–382, 2016.
· P. Lu, F. Peng, H. Chen, L. Zheng. Deciding Determinism of Unary Languages. Information and Computation, 245(2015), 181–196.
· F. Peng, H. Chen, X. Mou. Deterministic Regular Expressions with Interleaving. ICTAC 2015, LNCS 9399, 203-220, 2015.
· F. Peng, H. Chen. Discovering Restricted Regular Expressions with Interleaving. APWeb 2015, APWeb 2015, LNCS 9313, 104-115, 2015.
· H. Chen, P. Lu. Checking Determinism of Regular Expressions with Counting. Information and Computation, 241(2015), 302–320.
· P. Lu, J. Bremer, H. Chen. Deciding Determinism of Regular Languages. Theory Comput Syst (2015) 57:97–139.
· 李慧松, 许智武, 陈海明. 改进的流不敏感的类型限定词推断. 《计算机科学》, 41(9): 178-184, 2014.
· 冯晓强, 郑黎晓, 陈海明. 一类受限正则表达式的推断算法. 《计算机科学》, 41(4): 178-183, 2014.
· 陈海明, 陆平. 确定型语言的相关研究综述. 《集成技术》, 2(6):65-70, 2013.
· P. Lu, F. Peng, H. Chen. Deciding determinism of unary languages is coNP-complete. DLT 2013, LNCS 7907, 350-361, 2013.
· H. Chen, P. Lu. Checking determinism of regular expressions with counting. DLT 2012, LNCS 7410, 332-343, 2012.
· H. Chen, S. Yu. Derivatives of regular expressions and an application. Theoretical Computer Science and Applications Conference (WTCS 2012), LNCS 7160, 343-356, 2012.
· 倪晓勇,陈海明. 正规树文法的产生式相交判定. 《计算机工程与设计》 33(3), 1197-1202, 2012.
· 郑黎晓, 许智武, 陈海明. 基于文法分支覆盖的短句子生成算法. 软件学报, 22(11), 2564-2576, 2011.
· Z. Xu, L. Zheng, H. Chen. A toolkit for generating sentences from context-free grammars. International Journal of Software and Informatics 5(4), 659- 676, 2011.
· L. Zheng, H. Chen. Determinacy and rewriting of conjunctive queries over unary database schemas. SAC'11, ACM, 1039-1044, 2011.
· H. Chen, P. Lu. Assisting the design of XML Schema: diagnosing nondeterministic content models. APWeb 2011, LNCS 6612, 301-312, 2011.
· 郑丽丽, 陈海明. 基于MST的优化技术:监督式编译. 计算机工程与设计, 179-182, 2011.
· Z. Xu, L. Zheng, H. Chen. A toolkit for generating sentences from context-free grammars. SEFM 2010, 118-112, 2010.
· L. Chen, H. Chen. Subtyping algorithm of regular tree grammars with disjoint production rules. ICTAC 2010, LNCS 6255, 45-59, 2010.
· 戴晓君, 陈海明. 采用了剪枝优化的子类型关系判定. 软件学报, 2010, 21(7):1481-1490.
· H. Chen. Finite automata of expressions in the case of star normal form and one-unambiguity. Technical report, June 2010.
· H. Chen. Derivatives of regular expressions. Technical report ISCAS-SKLCS-09-11, State Key Laborotary of Computer Science, 2009.
· L. Zheng, H. Chen, A systematic framework for grammar testing, 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2009), 2009, Shanghai, China, 1013-1019.
· H. Chen, L. Chen, Inclusion test algorithms for one-unambiguous regular expressions, ICTAC 2008, LNCS 5160, Springer, 2008, 96-110.
· H. Chen, M. Ionescu, T.-O. Ishdorj, A. Paun, Gh. Paun, M. J. Perez-Jimenez. Spiking neural P systems with extended rules: universality and languages. Nat Comput (2008) 7:147-166, Springer.
· L. Chen, H. Chen, Efficient type checking for a subclass of regular expression types, ICYCS 2008, 1647-1653.
· H. Chen, T.-O. Ishdorj, Gh. Paun. Computing along the axon. Progress in Natural Science, 17(4), 2007, 417-423.
· H. Chen, R. Freund, M. Ionescu, Gh. Paun, M. J. Perez-Jimenez. On string languages generated by spiking neural P systems. Fundamenta Informaticae 75 (2007), 2007, 141-162.
· H. Chen, T.-O. Ishdorj, Gh. Paun. M.J. Perez-Jimenez, Handling languages with spiking neural P systems with extended rules, Romanian J. Information Sci. and Technology, 9, 3 (2006), 151-162.
· H. Chen, M. Ionescu, A. Paun, Gh. Paun, B. Popa. On trace languages generated by (small) spiking neural P systems. DCFS 2006, 94-105.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Towards practical computable functions on context-free languages. TAMC 2006, LNCS 3959, 555-565, 2006.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Facilitating formal specification acquisition by using recursive functions on context-free languages. Knowledge-Based Systems, 19(2), pp. 141-151, 2006, Elsevier.
· H. Chen, T.-O. Ishdorj, Gh. Paun. Computing along the axon. BIC-TA 2006, 60-70.
· 吴端仪, 陈雷, 陈海明. 上下文无关文法的句子生成方法综述. 2006年全国理论计算机科学学术年会论文集, 计算机科学, 33(8), 63-67, 2006.
· 沈扬, 陈海明. 基于上下文依赖规则覆盖的句子生成. 计算机工程与应用,41(17), 96-100, 2005.
· H. Chen. An encoding-based method for pattern-matching. Journal of Information & Computational Science 1: 2 (2004) pp.19-23, 2004.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Practical type checking of functions defined on context-free languages. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 19(6), 2004, 840-847.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Facilitating formal specification acquisition by using recursive functions on context-free languages. SoMet_W04, 2004, 213-227.
· 陈海明. 一种新型递归函数的求值算法研究. 软件学报, 15(9), 2004, 1277-1291.
· H. Chen. An encoding-based method for pattern-matching. ISC&I 2004, 66-70.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Incorporating Static Type-Checking into Functions Defined on Context-Free Languages. SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 39-47.
· H. Chen. Statically typed XML processing by the LFC language. CIT 2003, 177-182.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Modeling and prototyping of software systems. SEA 2002, 617-622.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Yet another meta-language for programming language processing. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 37(6), 2002, 28-37.
· 陈海明,董韫美. 一个支持规约获取的形式规约语言. 计算机学报, 25(5), 2002, 459-466.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Practical type checking of functions defined on context-free languages. ICYCS'2001, 1261-1263.
· H. Chen, Y. Dong. Pattern matching compilation of functions defined on context-free languages. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(2), 2001, 159-167.
· 张强,陈海明. 简单模式的一种匹配方法. 计算机工程与应用,37(17), 63-66, 2001.
· 陈海明,董韫美. 形式规约语言LFC的设计. 智能计算机研究进展,863计划智能计算机主题学术会议论文集,2001,292-301.
· 陈海明,董韫美. 上下文无关语言分析树的一种表示形式. 计算机研究与发展, 37(10), 2000, 1179-1184.
· Y. Dong, K. Li, H. Chen, Y. Hu, R. Zhang, R. Tang, Z. Wang, Z. Chen. Design and implementation of the formal specification acquisition system SAQ, Conf. on Software: Theory and Practice, IFIP 16th World Computer Congress 2000, 201-211, 2000.
· 陈海明,金蓓弘. Bezier曲线和直线的求交方法. 全国现代科学计算第二届学术研讨会论文集,2000, 28-29.
· H. Chen. Design and implementation of function definition language FDL. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 14(4), 1999, 414-421.
· 陈海明. 运算构造和检验系统FC的设计和实现. 软件学报, 9(10), 1998, 755-759.
· H. Chen. Getting contours of two overlapped regions bounded by cubic Bezier curves and straight lines. Chinese J. of Advanced Software Research, 6(1), 1999, 84-94. Also in CAD/Graphics'97, Dec. 1997.