
See my page on Google Scholar. See also the DBLP entry for Naijun Zhan.

Most of my papers can be downloaded below: Please respect the corresponding copyright by the publishers. For some papers, additional comments and corrections are given in red text in the pdfs.

Books and book chapters:

[B1]. Chaochen Zhou and Naijun Zhan (2017): Introduction to Formal Semantics, Academic Press.  (in Chinese)

[B2]. Naijun Zhan, Shuling Wang and Hengjun Zhao (2016): Formal Verification of Simulink/Stateflow Diagrams, Springer-Verlag.

[B3]. Mingshuai Chen, Xiao Han, Tao Tang, Shuling Wang, Mengfei Yang, Naijun Zhan, Hengjun Zhao, Liang Zou (2017): MARS: A Toolchain for Modelling, Analysis and Verification of Hybrid Systems. Provably Correct Systems 2017: 39-58

[B4]. MengfeiYang and Naijun Zhan (2014): Combining Formal and Informal Methods in the Design of Spacecrafts. In SETSS 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9506, Springer-Verlag. 2016.

[B5]. Naijun Zhan, Shuling Wang and Hengjun Zhao (2013): Formal Modelling, Analysis and Verification of Hybrid Systems. In the Theories of Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8050, Springer-Verlag.

Edited volumes and special issues:

[E1]. Marieke Huisman, Corina S. Pasareanu Zhan (2023): Formal Methods Syst. Des. 61(1), special Issue on FM 2021

[E2]. Marieke Huisman, Corina S. Pasareanu Zhan (2023): Formal Aspects Comput. 35(2), special Issue on FM 2021

[E3]. Marieke Huisman, Corina S. Pasareanu Zhan (2021): Formal Methods - 24th International Symposium, FM 2021, Virtual Event, November 20-26, 2021, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13047, Springer , ISBN 978-3-030-90869-0. (Editor)

[E4]. Partha S. Roop Nuzzo (2019): Proceedings of the 17th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design, MEMOCODE 2019, La Jolla, CA, USA, October 9-11, 2019. ACM , ISBN 978-1-4503-6997-8. (Editor)

[E5]. Cliff B. JonesLecture Notes in Computer Science 11180, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-01460-5. (Editor)

[E6]. Martin Fränzle, Deepak KapurNaijun Zhan (2016): Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications - Second International Symposium, SETTA 2016, Beijing, China, November 9-11, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9984, ISBN 978-3-319-47676-6. (Editor)

[E7]. Martin Fränzle Formal Aspects Comput. 31(1), special issue on SETTA 2016.

[E8]. Arvind EaswaranQi ZhuNaijun Zhan (2020): Journal of Systems Architecture, special Issue on ICESS 2019

[E9]. Naijun Zhan, Xuandong Li and Ji Wang (2016): Journal of Software 27(3), special issue on formal methods and its application. (in Chinese)

Journal papers:

[J1]. Naijun Zhan, Han Su, Mengfei Yang and Bin Gu (2024): Reset Controller Synthesis: A Correct-by-Construction Way to the Design of CPS. Accepted by Research Direction: Cyber-Physical Systems.

[J2]. Chenhao Wu, Rruoxiang Li, Naijun Zhan, Nan Guan (2024): Modelling and Analysis of the LatestTime Message Synchronization Policy in ROS. Accepted by EMSOFT 2024,  to appear IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.

[J3]. Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan and Martin Fränzle (2023): Reach-Avoid Analysis for Stochastic Differential Equations. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(3): 1882-1889.

[J4]. Hao Wu, Yu-Fang Chen, Zhilin Wu, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2024): Decision Procedure for String Constraints with String-Integer Conversion and Flat Regular Constraints. Acta Informatica, 61(1): 23-52.

[J5]. Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan, Martin Fränzle, Ji Wang, Wanwei Liu (2024): Reach-avoid Verification Based on Convex Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(1): 598-605.

[J6]. Shenghua Feng, Mingshuai Chen, Han Su, Benjamin Lucien Kaminski, Joost-Pieter KatoenNaijun Zhan (2023). Lower Bounds for Possibly Divergent Probabilistic Programs. In Proc. ACM Program. Lang., (OOPSLA), 7696-726

[J7]. Qiuye Wang, Mingshuai Chen, Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan, Joost-Pieter Katoen (2022): Encoding inductive invariants as barrier certificates synthesis via difference-of-convex programming. Information and Computation 289:104965 (full version of CAV 2021 paper)

[J8]. Xiong Xu, Bohua Zhan, Shuling Wang, Jean-Pierre Talpin and Naijun Zhan (2022): A denotational semantics of Simulink with higher-order UTP.  Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 130: 100809.

[J9]. Tengshun Yang, Shuling Wang, Bohua Zhan, Naijun Zhan, Jinghui Li, Shuangqing Xiang, Zhan Xiang,  Bifei Mao (2022): Formal Analysis of 5G AKMA. Journal of System Architecture, 126102478.

[J10]. Xiong Xu, Bohua Zhan, Shuling Wang, Jean-Pierre Talpin and Naijun Zhan (2022): Semantics foundation for cyber-physical systems using higher-order UTP.  ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 32(1), Article No. 9:1-48.

[J11]. Xiong Xu, Bohua Zhan, Shuling Wang, Xiangyu Jin, Jean-Pierre Talpin and Naijun Zhan (2021): Unified graphical co-modeling, analysis and verification of cyber-physical systems by combining AADL and Simulink/Stateflow. Theoretical Computer Science, 903:1-25.

[J12]. Jie An, Bohua Zhan, Naijun Zhan and Miaomiao Zhang (2021): Learning Nondeterministic Real-Time Automata,  ACM Transaction on Embedded Computing Systems, Article 7:1-25, special issue of EMSOFT 2021, 20(5s) 99:1-99:26.

[J13]. Wenyou Liu, Yunjun Bai, Li Jiao, Bai Xue and Naijun Zhan (2023): Safety Guarantee for Time-Delay Systems with Disturbances by Control Barrier Functionals, Science China Information Science, 66: 132102.

[J14]. Xiangyu Jin, Jie An, Bohua Zhan, Naijun Zhan and Miaomiao Zhang (2021): Inferring Nonlinear Switched Dynamical Systems, Formal Aspects of Computing, 33(3): 385-406.

[J15]. Yunjun Bai, Ting Gan, Li Jiao, Bican Xia, Bai Xue and Naijun Zhan (2021): Switching Controller Synthesis for Time-delayed Hybrid Systems. Science China Mathematica, 51(1):97-114. (in Chinese)

[J16]. Bai Xue, Qiuye Wang, Naijun Zhan, Shijie Wang and Zhikun She (2021): Synthesizing robust domains of attraction for state-constrained perturbed polynomial systems. SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, 59(2): 1083-1108

[J17]. Bai Xue and Naijun Zhan (2022): Robust Invariant Sets Computation for Discrete-Time Perturbed Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(2):1053-1060.

[J18]. Bai Xue, Martin Fränzle, Naijun Zhan, Sergiy Bogomolov and Bican Xia (2020): Safety Verification for Random Ordinary Differential Equations. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,39(11):4090-4101. (Special issue of EMSOFT 2020)

[J19]. Mingshuai Chen, Martin Fraenzle, Yangjia Li, Peter N. Mosaad and Naijun Zhan (2020): Indecision and delays are the parents of failure – Taming them algorithmically by synthesizing delay-resilient control. Acta Informatica, 58(5): 497-528.

[J20]. Bai Xue, Qiuye Wang, Shenghua Feng and Naijun Zhan (2020): Over- and Under-Approximating Reach Sets for Perturbed Delay Differential Equations. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(1): 283-290.

[J21]. Jie An, Lingtai Wang, Bohua Zhan, Naijun Zhan and Miaomiao Zhang (2020): Learning real-time automata. Science China Information Science, 64:192103:1–192103:17.

[J22]. Jian Wang, Jie An, Mingshuai Cheng, Naijun Zhan, Lulin Wang, Miaomiao Zhang, and Ting Gan (2020): From model to implementation: A network algorithm programming language. Science China Information Science, 63(7):172102:1–172102:17. 

[J23]. Gaogao Yan, Li Jiao, Shuling Wang, Lingtai Wang and Naijun Zhan (2020): Automatically generating SystemC code from HCSP formal mdoels. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 29(1), Article 4:1-39. (Extended version of FM 2016 paper)

[J24]. Bai Xue, Martin Fraenzle and Naijun Zhan (2020): Inner approximating reachable sets for polynomial systems with time-varying uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(4):1468-1483.

[J25]. LingtaiWang, Naijun Zhan and Jie An (2018)The opacity of real-time automata. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 37(11): 2845-2856. (Special issue of EMSOFT 2018)

[J26]. Ting Gan, Mingshuai Chen, Yangjia Li, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2018): Reachability analysis for solvable dynamical systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(7): 2003-2018.

[J27]. Qiuye Wang, Yangjia Li, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2017): Generating semi-algebraic invariants for non-autonomous hybrid systems. Journal of System Science and Complexity,  30(1):234-253.

[J28]. Shuling Wang, Naijun Zhan and Lijun Zhang (2017): A compositional modelling and verification framework for stochastic hybrid systems.  Formal Aspects of Computing, 29(4):751-775. (extended version of SETTA 2015 paper)

[J29]. Shuling Wang, Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson and Naijun Zhan (2017): Modelling and Verifying Communication Failure of Hybrid Systems in HCSP. Computer Journal, 60(8):1111-1130.

[J30]. Liyun Dai, Ting Gan, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2017): Barrier certificate revisited. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 80:62-86.

[J31]. Ehsan Ahmad, Yunwei Dong, Brian Larsen, Jidong Lv, Tao Tang and Naijun Zhan (2015): Behavior modeling and verification of movement authority scenario of Chinese Train Control System using AADL. Science China Information Sciences, 58(11):1-20.

[J32]. Danqing Guo, Jidong Lv, Shuling Wang, Tao Tang, Naijun Zhan, Datian Zhou and Liang Zou (2015): Formal anlysis and verification of Chinese Train Control System. Science China Information Sciences, 45(3):417-438 (in Chinese).

[J33]. Jiang Liu, Ming Xu, Naijun Zhan and Hengjun Zhao (2014): Discovering non-terminating inputs for polynomial programs. Journal of System Science and Complexity, 27(6):1286-1304.

[J34]. Yang Gao, Ming Xu, Naijun Zhan and Lijun Zhang (2013): Model-checking Conditional CSL for Continuous-time Markov Chains. Information Processing Letters, 113(1-2):44-50.

[J35]. Jiang Liu, Naijun Zhan, and Hengjun Zhao (2012): Automatically discovering relaxed Lyapunov functions for polynomial dynamical systems. Mathematics in Computer Science, 6:395-408, 2012.

[J36]. Bican Xia, Lu Yang, Naijun Zhan and Zhihai Zhang (2011): Symbolic decision procedure for termination. Formal Aspects of Computing, 23(2):171-190, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s00165-009-0144-5.

[J37]. Qiwen Xu and Naijun Zhan (2010): Rate Monotonic Scheduling Re-analyzed. Information Processing Letters, 110(6): 226-231. DOI: 10.1016/j.ipl.2009.12.010

[J38]. Naijun Zhan (2010): Connection between algebraical and logical approaches to concurrent systems. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 20(5):915-950.

[J39]. Yang Lu, Chaochen Zhou, Naijun Zhan and Bican Xia (2010): Recent advances in program verification through computer algebra. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 4(1):1-16.

[J40]. Naijun Zhan and Mila Majster-Cederbaum (2010): On hierarchically developing reactive systems. Information and Computation, 208(9):997-1019.

[J41]. Zhenbang Chen, Zhiming Liu, Volker Stolz, Anders P. Ravn, and Naijun Zhan (2009): Refinement and verification in component based and model driven design. Science of Computer Programming, 74(4):168-196.

[J42]. Xu Qiwen and Naijun Zhan (2008): Formalizing scheduling theorems using duration calculus. Nordic Journal of Computing, 14:173- 201.

[J43]. Jian Zhang, Wenhui Zhang, Naijun Zhan, Yidong Shen, Haiming Chen, Yunquan Zhang, Yongji Wang, Enhua Wu, Hongan Wang, and Xueyang Zhu (2008): Basic research in computer science and software engineering at SKLCS. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2(1): 1-11.

[J44]. Naijun Zhan (2004): Compositional properties of sequential processes. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 118:111-128.

[J45]. Naijun Zhan (2001): A higher-order duration calculus and its completeness. Science China, Vol 30(5).

[J46]. Naijun Zhan (2001): An intuitive proof for DDS. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(2):146-158.

Peer-reviewed Conferences and Workshops:

[C1]. Chenhao Wu, Rruoxiang Li, Naijun Zhan, Nan Guan (2024):Modelling and Analysis of the LatestTime Message Synchronization Policy in ROS. Accepted by EMSOFT 2024,  to appear IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.

[C2]. Han Su, Shenghua Feng, Sinong Zhan and Naijun Zhan (2024): Switching Controller Synthesis for Hybrids Systems Against STL Formulas. Accepted by FM 2024.

[C3]. Hao Wu, Shenghua Feng, Ting Gan, Jie Wang, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2024): On Completeness of SDP-Based Barrier Certificate Synthesis over Unbounded Domains. Accepted by FM 2024.

[C4]. Hao Wu, Jie Wang, Bican Xia, Xiakun Li, Naijun Zhan and Ting Gan (2024): Nonlinear Craig Interpolant Generation over Unbounded Domains by Separating Semialgebraic Sets. Accepted by FM 2024.

[C5]. Jie An, Qiang Gao, Lingtai Wang, Naijun Zhan and Ichiro Hasuo (2024): The Opacity of Timed Automata. Accepted by FM 2024.

[C6]. Chenhao Wu, Ruoxiang Li, Naijun Zhan and Nan Guan (2024): Improving the Reaction Latency Analysis of Message Synchronization in ROS. Accepted by RTCSA 2024.

[C7]. Shuling Wang, Zekun Ji, Bohua Zhan, Xiong Xu, Qiang Gao, and Naijun Zhan (2024): Formally Verified C Code Generation from Hybrid Communicating Sequential Processes (a full version). In Proc. of ICCPS 2024, pp.123-134.

[C8]. Shicheng Yi, Shuling Wang, Bohua Zhan and Naijun Zhan (2022): An Executable Semantics for Stateflow in Isabelle/HOL. In Proc. of ICFEM 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13478, pp.421-438.

[C9]. Xiaochen Tang, Wei Shen, Miaomiao Zhang, Jie An, Bohua Zhan and Naijun Zhan (2022): Learning Deterministic One-Clock Timed Automata via Mutation Testing. In Proc. of ATVA 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13505, pp.233-248.

[C10]. Bai Xue, Qiuye Wang, Naijun Zhan, Martin Frnzle, Shenghua Feng (2022): Differential Games Based on Invariant Sets Generation. In Proc. of  ACC 2022, pp. 1285-1292

[C11]. Tengshun Yang, Shuling Wang, Bohua Zhan, Naijun Zhan, Jinghui Li, Shuangqing Xiang, Zhan Xiang and Bifei Mao (2021):  Formal Analysis of 5G AKMA. In Proc. of SETTA 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13071, pp.102-121.

[C12]. Bai Xue, Yunjun Bai, Naijun Zhan, Wenyou Liu and Li Jiao (2021): Reach-Avoid Analysis for Delay Differential Equations. CDC 2021, pp.1301-1307.

[C13]. Jie An, Bohua Zhan, Naijun Zhan and Miaomiao Zhang (2021): Learning Nondeterministic Real-Time Automata. Accepted by EMSOFT 2021.

[C14]. Qiuye Wang, Mingshuai Chen, Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan and Joost-Pieter Katoen (2021): Synthesizing Invariant Barrier Certificates via Difference-of-Convex Programming, a submitted version and a full version. In Proc. of CAV 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12759, pp.443-466.

[C15]. Bohua Zhan, Bin Gu, Xiong Xu, Xiangyu Jin, Shuling Wang, Bai Xue, Xiaofeng Li, Yao Chen, Mengfei Yang and Naijun Zhan (2021): Modeling and Verification of Descent Guidance Control of Mars Lander. In Proc. of  RTAS 2021 (a brief industry paper), pp.457-460.

[C16]. Bai Xue, Renjue Li, Naijun Zhan, Martin Fränzle (2021): Reach-avoid Analysis for Stochastic Discrete-time Systems. In Proc. of ACC 2021, pp.4879-4885.

[C17]. Yunjun Bai, Ting Gan, Li Jiao, Bican Xia, Bai Xue and Naijun Zhan (2021): Switching Controller Synthesis for Time-delayed Hybrid Systems under Perturbation. In Proc. of  HSCC 2021, pp. 3:1-3:11.

[C18]. Bai Xue and Naijun Zhan (2020): Probably Approximately Correct Interpolants Generation. In Proc. of SETTA 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12153, pp. 143-159.

[C19]. Wei Shen, Jie An, Bohua Zhan, Miaomiao Zhang, Bai Xue and Naijun Zhan (2020): PAC learning of deterministic one-clock timed automata. In Proc. of ICFEM 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12531, pp.129-146.

[C20]. Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan and Martin Fränzle (2020): Inner-approximating reach-avoid sets for discrete-time polynomial systems. In Proc. of CDC 2020, pp. 867-873.

[C21]. Bai Xue, Martin Fränzle, Naijun Zhan, Sergiy Bogomolov and Bican Xia (2020): Safety Verification for Random Ordinary Differential Equations. In Proc. of EMSOFT 2020, proceedings was appeared as special issue of IEEE TCAD.

[C22]. Shenghua Feng, Mingshuai Chen, Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Bai Xue and Naijun Zhan (2020):Unbounded-time Safety Verification of Stochastic Differential Dynamics. In Proc. of CAV 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12224, pp.327-348.

[C23]. Ting Gan, Bican Xia, Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan and Liyun Dai (2020): Non-linear Interpolant Generation. In Proc. of CAV 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12225, pp.415-438.

[C24]. Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan and Yangjia Li (2020): Robust Regions of Attraction Generation for State-Constrained Perturbed Discrete-Time Polynomial Systems. In Proc. of IFAC 2020.

[C25]. Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan and Yangjia Li (2020): A Characterization of Robust Regions of Attraction for Discrete-Time Systems Based on Bellman Equations. In Proc. of IFAC 2020.

[C26]. Jie An, Mingshuai Chen, Bohua Zhan, Naijun Zhan and Miaomiao Zhan (2020): Learning one-clock timed automata. In Proc. of TACAS 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12078, pp.444-462.

[C27]. Naijun Zhan (2019): Taming delays in cyber-physical systems. In Proc. of ICFEM 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11852, pp. xv-xvii. (the extend abstract of an invited talk) 

[C28]. Bai Xue, Martin Fraenzle, Hengjun Zhao, Naijun Zhan and Arvind Easwaran (2019): Probably Approximate Safety Verification of Hybrid Dynamical Systems. In Proc. of ICFEM 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11852, pp. 236-252.

[C29]. Stefan MitschNaijun Zhan (2019):ARCH-COMP19 Category Report: Hybrid Systems Theorem Proving.   ARCH@ CPSIoTWeek 2019: 141-161

[C30]. Haolan Zhan, Qianqian Lin, Shuling Wang, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Xiong Xu and Naijun Zhan (2019): Unified Graphical Co-Modelling of Cyber-Physical Systems Using AADL and Simulink/Stateflow. In Proc. of UTP 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11885, pp. 109-129.

[C31]. Shenghua Feng, Mingshuai Chen, Naijun Zhan, Martin Fränzle and Bai Xue (2019): Taming Delays in Dynamical Systems: Unbounded Verification of Delay Differential Equations. In Proc. of CAV 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11561, pp.650-669.

[C32]. Junyi Liu, Bohua Zhan, Shuling Wang, Shenggang Ying, Tao Liu, Yangjia Li, Mingsheng Ying and Naijun Zhan (2019): Formal verification of quantum algorithms using quantum Hoare logic. In Proc. of CAV 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11562, pp.187-207.

[C33]. Mingshuai Chen, Jian Wang, Jie An, Bohua Zhan, Deepak Kapur and Naijun Zhan  (2019): NIL: Learning Nonlinear Interpolants. In Proc. of CADE 2019, , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11716, pp.178-196.

[C34]. Bai Xue, Qiuye Wang, Naijun Zhan and Martin Fraenzle (2019): Robust Invariant Sets Generation for State-Constrained Perturbed Polynomial Systems. In Proc. of HSCC 2019, pp. 128-137.

[C35]. Stefan MitschNaijun Zhan (2018): ARCH-COMP18 Category Report: Hybrid Systems Theorem ProvingARCH@ADHS 2018: 110-127

[C36]. Lingtai Wang, Naijun Zhan and Jie An (2018): The opacity of real-time automata. In Proc. of EMSOFT 2018. (Also to appear in the special issue of IEEE TCAD for EMSOFT 2018)

[C37]. Mingshuai Chen, Martin Fraenzle, Yangjia Li, Peter N. Mosaad and Naijun Zhan (2018): What’s to come is still unsure: Synthesizing synthesizers resilient to delayed reaction. In ATVA 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11138, pp.56-74. (distinguished paper awards)

[C38]. Bai Xue, Naijun Zhan, Yangjia Li and Qiuye Wang (2018): Robust Non-termination Analysis of Numerical Software. In Proc. of SETTA 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10998, pp. 69-88. (best paper awards)

[C39]. Lingtai Wang and Naijun Zhan (2018): Decidability of the initial-state opacity of real-time automata. In Proc. of Symposium on Real-time and Hybrid Systems in Honor of Prof. Chaochen Zhou’s 80th Birthday, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11180, pp. 40-60.

[C40]. Yijun Feng, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Haokun Li, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2018): Monitoring CTMCs by multi-clock timed automata. In Proc. of CAV 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10981, pp. 507-526.

[C41]. Jie An, Naijun Zhan, Xiaoshan Li, Miaomiao Zhang and Wang Yi (2018): Model-checking continuous-time bounded extended linear duration invariants. In Proc. of HSCC 2018, pp.81-90.

[C42]. Bai Xue, Martin Fraenzle and Naijun Zhan (2018): Under-Approximating Reach Sets for Polynomial Continuous Systems. In Proc. of HSCC 2018, pp.51-60.

[C43]. Dimitar P. GuelevShuling Wang, Naijun Zhan (2017): Compositional Hoare-Style Reasoning About Hybrid CSP in the Duration Calculus. In Proc. of SETTA2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10606, pp.110-127.

[C44]. Gaogao Yan, Li Jiao, Shuling Wang and Naijun Zhan (2017): Generating SystemC code from delay HCSP. In Proc. of APLAS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10695, pp.21-41.

[C45]. Yijun Feng, Lijun Zhang, David N. Jansen, Naijun Zhan and Bican Xia (2017): Finding polynomial loop invariants for probabilistic programs, in Proc. of ATVA 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10484, pp. 400-416.

[C46]. Bai Xue, Peter Nazier Mosaad, Martin Fraenzle, Mingshuai Chen, Yangjia Li and Naijun Zhan (2017): Safe over- and under-approximation of reachable sets for delay differential equations, in Proc. of FORMATS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10419, pp.281-299. (It contains some mistakes, a corrected version is downloadable here)

[C47]. Gaogao Yan and Li Jiao and Yangjia Li and Shuling Wang and Naijun Zhan (2016): Approximate bisimulation and discretization of Hybrid CSP, in Proc. of FM 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9995, pp.702-720.

[C48]. Mingshuai Chen and Martin Fraenzle and Yangjia Li and Peter N. Mosaad and Naijun Zhan (2016): Validated simulation-based verification of delayed differential dynamics, in Proc. of FM 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9995, pp.137-154.

[C49]. Mingshuai Chen, Anders P. Ravn, Shuling Wang, Mengfei Yang, and Naijun Zhan (2016): A two-way path between formal and informal design of embedded systems, in Proc. of UTP 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10134, pp.65-92.

[C50]. Ting Gan, Mingshuai Chen, Yangjia Li, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2016): Computing reachable sets of linear vector fields revisited, in Proc. of ECC 2016, pp.419-426.

[C51]. Ting Gan, Liyun Dai, Bican Xia, Naijun Zhan, Deepak Kapur and Mingshuai Chen (2016): Interpolant synthesis for quadratic polynomial inequalities and combination with EUF, in Proc. of IJCAR 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9706, pp.195-212.

[C52]. Yu PengShuling WangNaijun Zhan, Lijun Zhang (2015): Extending Hybrid CSP with Probability and Stochasticity, in Proc. SETTA 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9409, pp.87-102.

[C53]. S. Wang, N. Zhan and L. Zou (2015): An improved HHL prover: An interactive theorem prover for hybrid systems, in Proc. of ICFEM 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9407, pp.282-399.

[C54]. Ting Gan, Mingshuai Chen, Liyun Dai, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2015): Decidability of  the reachability for a family of linear vector fields, in Proc. of  ATVA 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9364, pp.482-499.

[C55]. Liang Zou, Naijun Zhan, Shuling Wang and  Martin Fraenzle (2015): Formal verification of Simulink/Stateflow diagrams, in Proc. of  ATVA 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9364, pp.482-499.

[C56]. Liang Zou, Martin Fraenzle, Naijun Zhan and Peter Nazier Mosaad (2015): Automatic stability and safety verification for delay differential equations, in Proc. of  CAV 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9364, pp.338-355.

[C57]. Jiang Liu, Naijun Zhan, Hengjun Zhao and Liang Zou (2015): Abstraction of elementary hybrid systems by variable transformation, in Proc. of FM 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9109, pp.360-377.

[C58]. Naijun Zhan and Liang Zou (2014): Formal verification of Simulink/Stateflow diagrams, in Proc. of ESWEEK 2014 (abstract only).

[C59]. Ehsan Ahmad, Brian Larson, Stephen Barrett, Naijun Zhan and Yunwei Dong (2014): An AADL Extension for Continuous Behavior and Cyber-Physical Interaction Modeling, in Proc. of HILT 2014, pp.29-38.

[C60]. Ehsan Ahmad, Yunwei Dong, Shuling Wang, Naijun Zhan and Liang Zou (2014): Adding Formal Meanings to AADL Models with Hybrid Annex, in Proc. of FACS 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8997, pp.228-247.

[C61]. Hengjun Zhao, Mengfei Yang, Naijun Zhan, Bin Gu, Liang Zou and Yao Chen (2014): Formal verification of a descent guidance control program of a lunar lander,   in Proc. of FM 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8442, pp.733-748.

[C62]. Ruzhen Dong and Naijun Zhan (2013): Towards a failure model of software components, in Proc. of FACS 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8348, pp.119-136.

[C63]. Dimitar P. Guelev, Shuling Wang,  Naijun Zhan and Chaochen Zhou (2013): Super-dense computation in verification of HCSP processes, in Proc. of FACS 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8348, pp.13-22.

[C64]. Liang Zou, Naijun Zhan, Shuling Wang, Martin Fraenzle and Shengchao Qin (2013): Verifying Simulink diagrams via a Hybrid Hoare Logic prover, in Proc. of EMSOFT 2013, pp.1-10.

[C65]. Liang Zou, Jidong Lv, Shuling Wang, Naijun Zhan, Tao Tang, Lei Yuan and Yu Lei (2013): Verifying Chinese train control system under a combined scenario by theorem proving, in Proc. of VSTTE 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8164, pp.262-280.

[C66]. Yang Gao, Ernst Moritz Hahn, Naijun Zhan and Lijun Zhang (2013): A CSL model checker for continuous-time markov chains, in Proc. of ATVA 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8172, pp.464-468.

[C67]. Ruzhen Dong, Naijun Zhan and Liang Zhao (2013): An interface model of software components, in Proc. of ICTAC 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8049, pp.159-176.

[C68]. Hengjun Zhao, Naijun Zhan and Deepak Kapur (2013): Synthesizing switching controllers for hybrid systems by generating invariants, in Proc. of the Jifeng Festschrift, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8051, pp.354-373.

[C69]. Liyun Dai, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan (2013): Generating non-linear interpolants by semi-definite programming, in Proc. of CAV 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8044, pp.364-380.

[C70]. Quan Zu, Miaomiao Zhang, Jiaqi Zhu and Naijun Zhan (2013): Bounded model-checking of discrete Duration Calculus, in Proc. of  HSCC 2013, pp.213-222.

[C71]. Hengjun Zhao, Naijun Zhan, Deepak Kapur, and Kim G. Larsen (2012): A “hybrid” approach for synthesizing optimal controllers of hybrid systems: A Case study of the oil pump industrial example, in Proc. of FM 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7436, pp.471-485, 2012.

[C72]. Shuling Wang, Naijun Zhan and Dimitar Guelev (2012): An assume/guarantee based compositional calculus for Hybrid CSP. A keynotes of TAMC 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7287, pp.72-83.

[C73]. Ruzhen Dong, Johannes Farber, Zhiming Liu, Jiri Srba, Naijun Zhan, and Jiaqi Zhu (2012): Unblockable compositions of software components, in Proc. of CBSE 2012, ACM SIGSOFT.

[C74]. Jiang Liu, Naijun Zhan and Hengjun Zhao (2011):Computing semi-algebraic invariants for polynomial dynamical systems, in Proc. of EMSOFT 2011, pp.97-106, ACM Press.

[C75]. Jiang Liu, Naijun Zhan and Hengjun Zhao (2011): Automatically discovering relaxed Lyapunov functions for polynomial dynamical systems, in Proc. of MACIS 2011, pp.162-177.

[C76]. ZizhenWang, HanpinWang and Naijun Zhan (2010): Refinement theories of software components. ACM SIGAPP SAC 2010, pp.2311-2318.

[C77]. Jiang Liu, Jidong Lv, Zhao Quan, Naijun Zhan, Hengjun Zhao, Chaochen Zhou and Liang Zou (2010): A calculus for HCSP. A keynotes of APLAS 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6461, pp. 1-15.

[C78]. Miaomiao Zhang, Zhiming Liu and Naijun Zhan (2009): Model checking linear duration invariants of networks of automata. In Proc. FSEN 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5961 pp.244-259.

[C79]. Naijun Zhan, Eoun-Yound Kang and Zhiming Liu (2008): Refinement and composition of components in rCOS. In Proc. of UTP 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5713, pp.238-257.

[C80]. Bican Xia, Lu Yang and Naijun Zhan (2008): Program verification by reduction to semi-algebraic systems solving, in Proc. of ISoLA 2008, CCIS 17, Springer-Verlag, pp277-291.

[C81]. Zhenbang Chen, Abdel Hakim Hannousse, Dang Van Hung, Istvan Knoll, Xiaoshan Li, Zhiming Liu, Yang Liu, Qu Nan, Joseph C. Okika, Anders P. Ravn, Volker Stolz, Lu Yang, Naijun Zhan (2007): Modelling with Relational Calculus of Object and Component Systems - rCOS. In Proc. of CoCoME, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5153, pp. 116-145.

[C82]. Xin Chen, Jifeng He, Zhiming Liu and Naijun Zhan (2007): A model of compoent-based programming. In Proc. Of FSEN 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4774.

[C83]. Yinghua Chen, Bican Xia, Lu Yang, and Naijun Zhan (2007): Reducing polynomial invariant generation to semi-algebraic systems solving. In Proc. of Festschrift Symposium in honour of Dines Bjorner and Zhou Chaochen, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4700.

[C84]. Yinghua Chen, Bican Xia, Lu Yang, Naijun Zhan and Chaochen Zhou (2007): Discovering non-linear ranking functions by solving semi-algebraic systems. In Proc. of ICTAC 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4711.

[C85]. Naijun Zhan (2006): Connecting algebraical and logical descriptions of concurrent systems. In the Proc. of ISoLA 2006, IEEE Computer Society Press.

[C86]. Naijun Zhan, Dang Van Hung, Zhiming Liu and Xiaoshan Li (2006): Towards a theory of component-based real-time systems. In the proc. AWCVS 2006, preliminary proceedings as number 348 in UNU-IIST Reports, P.O.Box 3058, Macau.

[C87]. Naijun Zhan and Jinzhao Wu (2005): Compositionality of  fixpoint logic with chop. In the Proc. of ICTAC 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3722, pp.136-150.

[C88]. Naijun Zhan and Mila Majster-Cederbaum (2005): Deriving nondeterminism from conjunction and disjunction. In the proc. of 25th IFIPWG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques on Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3731, pp. 351-365.

[C89]. Lu Yang, Naijun Zhan, Bican Xia and Chaochen Zhou (2005): Program verification by using DISCOVERER. In the Proc. of VSTTE 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4171, pp.528-538.

[C90]. Mila Majster-Cederbaum, Jinzhao Wu, Houguang Yue, Naijun Zhan (2004): Refinement of actions for real-time concurrent systems with causal ambiguity. In the Proc. of ICFEM 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3308, pp. 449-463.

[C91]. Naijun Zhan (2003): Combining hierarchical specification with hierarchical implementation. In the Proc. of ASIAN 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2896, pp. 110-124.

[C92]. M. Majster-Cederbaum, Naijun Zhan and Harald Fecher (2003): Action refinement from a logical point of view. In the Proc. of VMCAI 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2575, pp.253-267.

[C93]. Huandong Ma, Liang Li, Jianzhong Wang, Naijun Zhan (2001): Automatic synthesis of the DC specifications of Lip synchronization protocol. In the proc. of APSEC 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press.

[C94]. Naijun Zhan (2000): Completeness of higher-order duration calculus. In the proc. of CSL 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1863.

[C95]. Naijun Zhan: Another formal proof for deadline driven scheduler. In the Proc. of RTCSA'00, IEEE Computer Society Press.

[C96]. Chaochen Zhou, Dimitar P. Guelev and Naijun Zhan (1999): A higher-order duration calculus. In the Proc. of the Symposium in Celebration of the Work of C.A.R. Hoare, Oxford, 13-15 September, 1999.

[C97]. Shuzhen Dong, Qiwen Xu and Naijun Zhan (1999): A formal proof of the rate monotonic scheduler. In the Proc. of RTCSA 1999. IEEE Computer Society Press.

Invited talks:

·         Connecting algebraical and logical descriptions of concurrent systems, TAMC 2005, Kunming.

·         Program verification by reduction to semi-algebraic system solving, SCTC 2008, Shanghai.

·         An assume/guarantee based compositional calculus for Hybrid CSP, TAMC 2012, Beijing.

·         Formal verification of Simulink diagrams, PAS 2013, Beijing.

·         Formal modelling, analysis and verification of hybrid systems, tutorial of ICTAC 2013, Shanghai.

·         Formal modelling, analysis and verification of hybrid systems, tutorial of FACS 2013, Nanchang.

·         Formal verification of Simulink/Stateflow diagrams, tutorial of ESWEEK 2014, New Delhi.

·         Model-checking of extended linear duration invariants, ProCoS workshop, London, 2015.

·         Formal verification of stochastic differential equations, Workshop on Quantitative Model Checking, Singapore, 2016.

·         Invariant-based verification and synthesis for hybrid systems, IFIP Working Group 2.2 Scientific Meeting, Singapore, 2016.

·         Formal design of embedded systems, IFIP Working Group 1.9/2.15 & Working Group 2.3 Annual Meeting, Montaubon, France, 2016.

·         Invariant-based verification and synthesis for hybrid systems, Summer School on Symbolic Computation, Nanning, Jul. 16-22, 2017

·         Automatically generating SystemC code from HCSP formal models, SATE 2017, Harbin, 2017

·         Automatically generating SystemC code from delay HCSP, APLAS 2017, Suzhou, 2017

·         Automatically generating SystemC code from HCSP formal models, MAVoLS 2017, Beijing, 2017

·         Taming Delays in Cyber-Physical Systems, ICFEM 2019, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 5-9 2019.

·         Practical Verification of Intelligent CPSs, ICMS 2020, TU Braunschweig, Germany, July 13-16, 2020.

·         Non-linear interpolant generation and its application to program verification, FROM 2020, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania, Sept. 4-6, 2020.

·         Formal Analysis, Verification and Design of Safety-Critical CPS, RTSS 2020, Houston, USA,  Dec. 1st-4th, 2020.

·         Taming Delays in Cyber-Physical Systems, ICTAC 2020, MACAU, China, Nov. 30-Dec.4, 2020.

·         Invariant Generation by Constraint Solving in Verification of Programs and Hybrid, TASE 2020, Hangzhou, China, Dec. 11-13, 2020.

·         Extending Hoare Logic to Hybrid Systems, VSTE 2021, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge University, Jun. 7-11, 2021.

Naijun Zhan

Last modified: Jan. 30, 2023

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